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InfoQ Homepage News

  • OSGi Working Group Settles into New Home at Eclipse Foundation

    After shipping the OSGi Core Release 8 in December, the OSGi Working Group (WG) is now incubating at the Eclipse Foundation. The OSGi WG (previously named “OSGi Alliance”) announced the move to Eclipse last October. It has already ratified the charter, created two committees and two working groups, and migrated its code repositories.

  • Post-Quantum Cryptography: Q&A with Jean-Philippe Aumasson

    While quantum computing is still in its infancy, post-quantum cryptography is a field of growing interest for companies and research institutions. InfoQ has spoken with cryptography researcher Jean-Philippe Aumasson to understand where post-quantum crypto is headed.

  • Fostering Cross-Cultural Collaboration

    Building intercultural relationships are so important to success in the workplace and world today, yet many people are hesitant or unsure of how to build relationships with those who are different from themselves. The first step is to reflect on yourself and notice where and how you spend your time and resources.

  • Spotify's Journey to a Unified Codebase for Its Web and Desktop Clients

    Spotify recently published an account of their journey towards a unified codebase for their web and desktop clients. Spotify's team was the owner of a web-player and a separate, full-featured desktop client. Due to having to implement many features twice, they were not shipping at the pace they wanted. Now Spotify created one codebase for both, resulting in an improved development cadence.

  • JetBrains Releases IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1

    JetBrains has released IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1 featuring support for Java 16, a new preview feature that instantly renders HTML changes, and support for WSL 2. is supported and it’s possible to run applications on Docker, WSL 2, or via SSH. Various other improvements include support for Docker, Kubernetes, Kotlin, Git and others.

  • Infosec Teams Expand Use of Security Tools to Address Cloud Complexity, Survey Finds

    The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), a non-profit organization, recently published its findings on the state of cloud security practices which shows accelerating cloud adoption, but a need for more sophisticated security approaches.

  • Sentry Migrates Its Frontend to Typescript - Lessons Learned

    Mark Story and Priscila Oliveira recently shared lessons learned when converting Sentry’s frontend codebase (one-year effort, 100,000 lines of code) to TypeScript. The pair described a gradual conversion process in which TypeScript progressively replaced JavaScript, types were continuously refined as new TypeScript language features were released, and complex types were built incrementally.

  • MIT Announces AI Benchmark ThreeDWorld Transport Challenge

    A team of researchers from MIT and the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab have announced the ThreeDWorld Transport Challenge, a benchmark task for embodied AI agents. The challenge is to improve research on AI agents that can control a simulated mobile robot that is guided by computer vision to pick up objects and move them to new locations.

  • Cloudflare Announces the General Availability of Cloudflare Workers Unbound

    Recently, Cloudflare announced the general availability (GA) of Cloudflare Workers Unbound, a platform for applications like image processing or complex algorithms that need longer execution times.

  • Gradle 7.0 Released with Support for JDK 16

    Gradle, the customizable open source build automation tool, has released version 7 with support for JDK 16, faster incremental builds, improved build reliability, and native support for new Macs with Apple Silicon processors. Preview features like dependency verification and support for Java Module System, introduced in previous releases, have been promoted as stable features.

  • OpenJDK Proposes SecurityManager Deprecation

    The OpenJDK project has proposed JEP-411 as a means of deprecating the SecurityManager. If accepted, this would be the first step in a multi-year process in which the OpenJDK Quality Outreach Campaign can guide affected projects towards alternatives before anything is removed.

  • Effectful Effects - Unifying Bidirectional Communication between Software Components

    Yizhou Zhang, assistant professor at the University of Waterloo, presented bidirectional algebraic effects, a new programming abstraction that subsumes current control flow patterns (e.g., exceptions, promises, generators) while supporting bidirectional control flows. With the new typed abstraction, all declared effects are handled, and no effects are accidentally handled by the wrong handler.

  • Java News Roundup - Week of April 12th, 2021

    This week’s Java news roundup features news from OpenJDK promoting JEP 411 to Candidate status, Kotlin 1.5.0-RC, Piranha Cloud 21.4.0, Weld CDI point releases, CloudBees releasing Jenkins X 3.0, numerous Spring project-related point releases and release candidates, and a new Atlassian JIRA command-line utility introduced by David Blevins.

  • .NET News Roundup - Week of April 12th, 2021

    It's been a busy week for the .NET community, with the release of new Visual Studio previews (Windows and Mac), updates to .NET Core 3.1 and 2.1, new releases from the Azure team, and more. InfoQ examined these and a number of smaller stories in the .NET ecosystem from the week of April 12th, 2021.

  • Amazon Forks Elasticsearch Rebranding It as OpenSearch

    Amazon recently announced the release of OpenSearch, a fork derived from versions 7.10.2 of ElasticSearch and Kibana. OpenSearch is licensed under the Apache License, V2 (ALv2). Elastic recently made adjustments to their Elastic License to simplify the usage of their code for non-commercial purposes.