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How GitHub Leverages Feature Flags to Ship Quickly and Safely
In a recent blog post, Alberto Gimeno, GitHub actions engineer, shared how GitHub makes use of feature flags to enable frequent, safe deployments. GitHub leverages feature flags for all potentially risky changes, allowing them to quickly disable the change if needed.
Amazon Nimble Studio: Visual Effects, Animations, and Interactive Content on AWS
Amazon has recently announced Nimble Studio, a service for creative studios to produce visual effects, animations, and interactive content. The cloud-based studio provides on-demand access to virtual workstations, elastic file storage, render farm capacity and tools to manage security, permissions, and collaborations.
Microsoft Announces Preview Service for Building Real-Time Web Applications Called Azure Web PubSub
Recently Microsoft announced a preview of Azure Web PubSub, a new service for building real-time web applications. Azure Web PubSub is a fully-managed service that supports native and serverless WebSockets.
Kotlin 1.5 Gets Support for Java 15 Features and a New JVM Compiler
Kotlin 1.5 introduces support for the latest Java features, including record classes, sealed interfaces, and inline classes. Additionally, it brings a number of improvements to the standard library and a new JVM IR compiler.
Atlassian Open DevOps Integrates Jira with Tools Like GitHub and Datadog
Atlassian has released Open DevOps, their new platform offering integrating Atlassian products and partner offerings. Open DevOps integrates Jira Software, Confluence, Bitbucket, and Opsgenie into a single project. It is possible to integrate with other tools, such as GitHub and Datadog, with minimal integration.
Grain: Your WebAssembly-First Programming Language - WebAssembly Summit 2021
Oscar Spencer recently presented Grain, a new strongly-typed, high-level language that compiles to WebAssembly. Grain includes functional programming features (e.g., type inference, pattern matching, closures) while allowing mutable variables. Grain also has a standard library with composite data structures (Option, Stack, Result) and system calls (e.g., I/O, process handling).
Find Solutions to Your Software Challenges at QCon Plus
Last November at QCon Plus, over 1,450 of your peers joined us at the virtual event in order to keep on top of software trends and find solutions to validate their technical roadmaps. Now is the time to book your attendance at the next event! With less than five weeks before QCon Plus May 2021, over 1,800 senior software engineers, architects, and team leads have already booked their spot.
Shifting Quality Left with the Test Pyramid
Shifting quality left means building in quality much earlier in the software development cycle, rather than testing for quality after completion of development. Using the test pyramid model, a project was able to move testing towards earlier stages, thereby finding defects that caused integration issues earlier in development.
Android Studio 4.2 Includes Latest IntelliJ IDEA and Improves Developer Experience
The latest release of Android Studio brings its IntelliJ IDEA platform up-to-date and introduces a number of features aimed at improving developer experience. Android Studio 4.2 also includes a migration assistant to make it easier for developers to upgrade their projects and take advantage of the latest Android Gradle Plugin API.
JHipster Releases Micronaut Blueprint 1.0.0
Object Computing, Inc. has announced the release of JHipster Micronaut Blueprint 1.0, a collaboration of Object Computing, Micronaut Foundation and JHipster, to build a Micronaut option for JHipster server-side applications. This new framework generates monolith- or microservices-based applications with key features and integrations to facilitate quicker deployments to production.
Facebook Announces ZionEX Platform for Training AI Models with 12 Trillion Parameters
A team of scientists at Facebook AI Research (FAIR) announced a system for training deep-learning recommendation models (DLRM) using PyTorch on a custom-built AI hardware platform, ZionEX. Using this system, the team trained models with up to 12T parameters and achieved nearly an order-of-magnitude speedup in training time compared to other systems.
AWS Launches a New Type of AWS Storage Gateway: Amazon FSx File Gateway
Recently, AWS launched Amazon FSx File Gateway as a new type of AWS Storage Gateway, providing customers with a way to access data stored in the cloud with Amazon FSx for Windows File Server, instead of using and managing on-premises file servers. Amazon FSx File Gateway optimizes the on-premises access of file shares by maintaining a local cache of frequently-accessed data.
Google Cloud Supports PHP on Cloud Functions
Google Cloud recently announced the public preview of PHP on Cloud Functions. The Functions Framework for PHP supports HTTP functions, to respond to HTTP events, and CloudEvent functions to process events sourced from external and internal Google Cloud services like Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage and Firestore.
.NET News Roundup - Week of April 26th, 2021
This past week was marked by Microsoft joining the Bytecode Alliance. InfoQ examined this and a number of smaller stories in the .NET ecosystem from the week of April 26th, 2021.
Gremlin Adds Automated Service Discovery for Targeting Chaos Experiments
Gremlin, a chaos engineering platform, recently announced automated service discovery. This new feature will auto discover services running within dynamic environments. These services are then available to target for chaos experiments. Gremlin has also added role based access control for their API keys.