InfoQ Homepage News
TensorFlow 3D: Deep Learning for Autonomous Cars’ 3D Perception
Google has released TensorFlow 3D, a library that adds 3D deep-learning capabilities to the TensorFlow machine-learning framework. The new library brings tools and resources that allow researchers to develop and deploy 3D scene understanding models.
Road to Scala 3: Release Candidate Available
Scala 3 incorporates many changes and is based on Dotty, a new compiler using the internal data structures of Document Object Types. In development for the past eight years, new features in Dotty include new types, improved enum handling and metaprogramming. The first release candidate is now available and version 3.0.0 is scheduled for release in early-mid 2021.
Facebook Open-Sources AI Model to Predict COVID-19 Patient Outcomes
A team from Facebook AI Research (FAIR) and New York University (NYU) School of Medicine has developed deep-learning models that use chest X-rays to predict COVID-19 patient prognosis. In a comparison study, the models outperformed human radiologists, and could be used to help hospitals predict the demand for supplemental oxygen or intensive care.
Microsoft Releases Azure Attestation into General Availability
Microsoft recently announced the general availability of Azure Attestation, a unified solution for remotely verifying the trustworthiness of a platform and the integrity of the binaries running inside it.
Gremlin Aims to Reduce Kubernetes Noisy Neighbours through Chaos Engineering
Gremlin has released enhancements to its Chaos Engineering platform aimed at DevOps engineers interested in future-proofing Kubernetes clusters by isolating "noisy neighbours". On Kubernetes, the noisy neighbour issue occurs when multiple applications sharing a Kubernetes cluster compete for resources leading to degraded performance.
Java News Roundup - Week of Feb 22nd, 2021
A roundup of Java news from the last week, including stories from OpenJDK, Spring and Quarkus.
New Features in Chrome 88 Devtools
The recent release of Chrome 88 includes significant updates to the Chrome DevTools that include improved network debugging, experimental CSS Flexbox debugging tools, improved frame details view, new WASM debug capabilities, and general performance improvements.
.NET News Roundup - Week of Feb 22th, 2021
InfoQ examined a number of smaller stories in the .NET ecosystem from the week of February 22th, 2021.
AWS Adds Distributed Tracing to Their Elasticsearch Service
Amazon has announced the addition of Trace Analytics to their Amazon Elasticsearch Service. Trace Analytics adds distributed tracing to their service with support for OpenTelemetry. This new feature also integrates with the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry.
Diablo IV: Debugging Linux in Visual Studio
Blizzard's Diablo IV team has published a blog about how they leverage Visual Studio and WSL to debug Linux core dumps on their Windows environments.
JavaFX in AppStores and Improved UI Framework
Gluon spoke recently to discuss cross-platform JavaFX applications running on computers and mobile devices. Examples include two games. Meanwhile, the ControlsFX team has released a new update with improved UI controls.
State of the Vuenion 2021 - Evan You at Vue Amsterdam 2021
Evan You, creator of the Vue.js front-end framework, recently presented at the Vue Amsterdam 2021 conference the latest and future Vue developments.
C# 9 Released with Records, Init-Only Setters, and Pattern Matching Enhancements
Microsoft shipped out C# 9.0 as a part of the .NET 5 development platform release. .NET 5 is paired with C# 9.0, which brings many new features to the language. The new language features include records, init-only setters, top-level statements, pattern matching enhancements, target-typed new expressions, covariant returns and much more!
Microsoft .NET Conf: Focus on Windows
Earlier this week, the first edition of the .NET Conf: Focus series for 2021 took place, featuring Windows desktop development topics. The event targeted developers of all stripes, covering both existing functionalities on .NET 5 and upcoming projects such as .NET MAUI and Project Reunion. The focus conferences are free, one-day events featuring speakers from the community and .NET product teams.
Typescript 4.2 Released, Improves Types and Developer Experience
The TypeScript team announced the release of TypeScript 4.2, which features more flexible type annotations, stricter checks, extra configuration options, and a few breaking changes. Tuple types now allow rest arguments in any position (instead of only in last position). Type aliases are no longer expanded in type error messages, providing a better developer experience.