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InfoQ Homepage News

  • Shenandoah in JDK 11 - Interview with Red Hat's Team

    Shenandoah is a low-latency garbage collector that enables Java applications to operate quickly without changes. InfoQ sat down with Roman Kennke and Aleksey Shipilev from Red Hat's Shenandoah team to ask some questions about how this garbage collector was created and what diligence went into adding it to the upstream JDK 11 codebase.

  • Swift Atomics Enables First-Class Atomic Operations in Swift

    Swift Atomics aims to allow system programmers to write synchronization constructs directly in Swift.

  • Chaos Conf Q&A: Adrian Cockcroft & Yury Niño Roa

    In preparation for ChaosConf 2020, InfoQ sat down with Adrian Cockcroft and Yury Niño Roa to explore topics of interest in the chaos engineering community. Key takeaways included: there are clear benefits to running “game days” to develop psychological safety, and the future of chaos engineering points toward incorporating security and scaling up experiments to test larger failure modes.

  • Microsoft Innovates Its Azure Multi-Cloud, Multi-Edge Hybrid Capabilities

    During the recent Ignite virtual conference, Microsoft announced several updates for their Azure multi-cloud and edge hybrid offerings. These updates span from security innovations to new edge capabilities.

  • GitHub Code Scanning Is out of Beta

    One year ago GitHub announced the acquisition of Semmle, maker of a semantic code analysis engine powered by the Semmle QL query language. After a few months in beta, GitHub is now announcing the availability of its new CodeQL-based code scanning capability for all public and private repos.

  • Bridgecrew Releases State of Open Source Terraform Security Report

    Bridgecrew, a developer-first platform that codifies cloud security, recently published the State of Open Source Terraform Security report. The company utilized open-source Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) static analysis tool Checkov. One of the key findings reveals that modules used to provision AWS resources are most likely misconfigured.

  • Hacked off with Hacktoberfest

    Hacktoberfest is a promotion that Digital Ocean runs to encourage developers to contribute patches to open-source repositories hosted on GitHub in exchange for a free T-shirt. This year, however, there have been complaints by many open-source contributions being made that add little or no value to projects on GitHub, which is causing some strain on the community. InfoQ investigates.

  • Reactive Angular Library NgRx v10 Adds Component Local State Management Package

    NgRx, a set of reactive extensions for Angular based on RxJS, shipped v10 with a new component store package for local state management. The new package complements the NgRx Store used for application-wide state management. A new, experimental NgRx Component package also supports developers in writing Angular Zoneless applications leveraging Angular Ivy capabilities for better performance.

  • New GitHub Repositories Default to Main Branch

    All newly created GitHub repositories will default to 'main' for their main branch from today. In addition, existing repositories can also rename the 'master' branch; read on to find out why you might want to do this, and the support that GitHub is providing to make this transition seamless.

  • Growing Personal and Organisational Courage

    Courage is vital for organisations if they want to thrive in today’s complex world as it will create the right conditions for the highest possible levels of creativity, adaptability and productivity. We all have the power to lead with courage, no matter what our role is.

  • OpenJDK Completes Migration to GitHub

    OpenJDK has completed the transition from Mercurial to GitHub as planned in September 2020. GitHub offers various benefits such as increased performance and support for code reviews. InfoQ reported in June about the change in more detail.

  • 40th Anniversary of The Ethernet

    Today marks the 40th anniversary of the creation of The Ethernet, with a readable specification that is still valid today. InfoQ looks back to where it came from, what it powers, and how it's still relevant today.

  • Vest, a New Javascript Form Validation Framework

    Vest is a new framework-agnostic form validation library that separates the validation logic from the feature logic while using a unit testing syntax style that is similar to Mocha and Jasmine.

  • Apple Open Sources System, Swift Library Interfacing with System-Level API

    System is a low-level library Apple introduced at its last WWDC conference to provide an idiomatic and type-safe interface to system calls and currency types usually available at the OS level. In keeping with Apple's aim to push Swift as a cross-platform development ecosystem, System has been open-sourced to make it easier for programmers to contribute to its further development across platforms.

  • Amazon Cloudwatch Dashboards Supports Sharing

    AWS recently introduced the ability to share Amazon CloudWatch Dashboards with users who do not have access to the AWS account. This feature opens up new use cases for dashboards, including sharing metrics and information on big screens, or embedding real-time information in public pages.