InfoQ Homepage News
Google AI Launches NLU-Powered Tool to Help Explore COVID-19 Literature
Google AI launched COVID-19 Research Explorer, which provides a semantic search interface on top of the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset to help scientists and researchers efficiently analyze all of the dataset’s journal articles and preprints.
Mozilla Launches Hubs Cloud
Mozilla’s Mixed Reality group launches a cloud version of Mozilla Hubs, their social space for virtual reality gatherings. Organisations can now deploy and customize their own instance of Mozilla Hubs. It is available on the AWS Marketplace and manages all necessary AWS resources. Mozilla Hubs allows people to meet in a 3D environment, or join using a computer or a virtual reality device.
Google Open-Sources New Higher Performance TensorFlow Runtime
Google open-sourced the TensorFlow Runtime (TFRT), a new abstraction layer for their TensorFlow deep-learning framework that allows models to achieve better inference performance across different hardware platforms. Compared to the previous runtime, TFRT improves average inference latency by 28%.
CSS Containment Now a Web Standard
The CSS Working Group recently published the CSS Containment Module Level 1 as a new web standard. This CSS module specifies the contain property, which can be used to indicate elements whose subtree is independent of the rest of the page in some manner. That independence may then be used by user agents to render web pages faster by skipping subtrees.
Chrome 83 DevTools Emulates Vision Deficiencies and Locales
The forthcoming Chrome 83 release includes significant updates to DevTools, including emulation of vision deficiencies and user locales, cross-origin opener policy (COOP) debugging, and cross-origin embedder policy (COEP) debugging, and network request filtering for cookie paths.
Microsoft Announces the General Availability of DCsv2-VM from Azure Confidential Computing
Recently, Microsoft announced the general availability of DCsv2-series virtual machines (VMs). With these VMs, customers can deliver applications that protect data while in use.
Predicting Failing Tests with Machine Learning
Machine learning can be used to predict how tests behave on changes in the code. These predictions reduce the feedback time to developers by providing information at check-in time. Marco Achtziger & Dr. Gregor Endler presented how they are using machine learning to learn from failures at OOP 2020.
GitHub Introduces Codespaces, Discussions, and Extends Security Features
At GitHub Satellite 2020, GitHub announced two new collaboration features: Codespaces, which provide a complete, ready-to-use dev environment within GitHub, and Discussions, aimed to enable the creation of knowledge bases in a threaded Q&A format. Additionally, vulnerability scanning is now integrated within GitHub's main interface, and secret scanning is extended to private repositories, too.
Electron 8 Releases Introduce Caller Stack Logging, HTTP Parsing Alternative
The recent Electron 8.0, 8.1, and 8.2 releases make significant improvements to their framework for building cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Highlights in these releases include a performance boost in communication between main and renderer processes, better control over call stack, the addition of an HTTP parsing NODE_OPTION in a packaged Electron app, and more.
Moogsoft Adds Virtual Network Operations Centre Capability
AIOps platform vendor, Moogsoft, has announced the release of Moogsoft Enterprise 8.0, featuring a capability for technology teams to build a virtual Network Operations Centre (NOC). Moogsoft Enterprise consolidates monitoring tools with the intention of helping technology teams reduce noise, prioritize incidents, reduce escalations and ensure uptime.
DeepMind's Agent57 Outperforms Humans on All Atari 2600 Games
Researchers at Google's DeepMind have produced a reinforcement-learning (RL) system called Agent57 that has scored above the human benchmark on all 57 Atari 2600 games in the Arcade Learning Environment. Agent57 is the first system to outperform humans on even the hardest games in the suite.
Microsoft Announces the General Availability of Windows Server Containers, and More for AKS
Almost a year ago, Microsoft launched a preview of Windows Server Containers in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Now the company announced the general availability of Windows Server containers in AKS, including the support of private clusters and managed identities.
Shifting-Left Testing with Mabl DevTestOps Platform
Corresponding to the ideas of "test early, test often" and "test as early as possible" in the development lifecycle, shift-left testing is a well-known approach. Recently, the combination of shift-left testing and CI/CD is fueling a new approach to DevOps dubbed DevTestOps. InfoQ has spoken with Dan Belcher, co-founder at DevTestOps platform maker mabl.
Chef Infra 16 Released with Resource Partials and YAML Support
Chef has announced the release of Chef Infra 16 with a number of new features to improve creating, customizing, and updating Chef policies. This release includes YAML support for recipes, new functionality to reduce code duplication, and improvements to how Chef Infra handles mixed custom resources.
Google and Apple Publish Exposure Notification API Draft
Only a few weeks after its initial announcement, the partnership between Google and Apple to provide their mobile OSes with solid foundations for contact tracing applications has reached a key milestone, a preliminary draft of the Exposure Notification API and beta release for iOS.