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InfoQ Homepage News

  • Avoiding Loneliness as a Servant Leader

    Team success is often celebrated without recognizing or acknowledging the role the servant leader has played. A lot of what they do can go undocumented or is not always visible to others. To avoid loneliness, servant leaders can create support networks to share what they do, celebrate successes with peers, blog about how they do it, and give demos to management about their accomplishments.

  • Elastic Stack 7.6 Released with Security, Performance, and Observability Improvements

    Elastic announced the release of Elastic Stack 7.6. This release contains a number of security improvements including a new SIEM detection engine and a redesigned SIEM overview dashboard page. This release also includes performance improvements to queries that are sorted by date, enhanced supervised machine learning capabilities, and support for ingesting Jaeger trace data.

  • Visual Studio 2019 for Mac Adds ASP.NET Core Blazor Server Applications

    In January, Microsoft released Visual Studio 2019 for Mac 8.4.3 with a handful of features and improvements that were a direct request from developers on their developer community forum. Visual Studio for Mac can target the latest platform capabilities, for Android, iOS, as well .NET Core application that can be hosted on Windows, macOS or Linux.

  • Microsoft Open-Sources Project Petridish for Deep-Learning Optimization

    A team from Microsoft Research and Carnegie Mellon University has open-sourced Project Petridish, a neural architecture search algorithm that automatically builds deep-learning models that are optimized to satisfy a variety of constraints. Using Petridish, the team achieved state-of-the-art results on the CIFAR-10 benchmark with only 2.2M parameters and five GPU-days of search time.

  • CNCF Fund a Bug Bounty Program for Kubernetes

    The Kubernetes Product Security Committee has launched a new bug bounty program, funded by the The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), to reward security researchers for finding vulnerabilities in the Kubernetes' codebase, as well as the build and release processes, with bounties ranging from $100 to $10,000.

  • Amazon Releases CLI v2, Includes SSO and Interactive Usability Features

    In a recent blog post, Amazon announced the general availability (GA) of AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) v2. Within this version of the CLI, features such as AWS Single Sign-On (SSO), interactive wizards, server-side auto completion and auto prompts are included. In addition, having Python installed is no longer a pre-requisite and the CLI is supported on Windows, Linux and macOS.

  • The Jakarta EE 9 Delivery Plan

    Anticipating a mid-2020 GA release, the Jakarta EE platform project team presented the formal Jakarta EE 9 delivery plan to the Jakarta EE steering committee. It is expected that Jakarta EE 9 will be a stable tooling release from which vendors can support the new jakarta package namespace. Jakarta EE 9 may be considered a foundation for innovation to drive new features in Jakarta EE 10 and beyond.

  • Developer Surveys Survey: Including a Spotlight on Java Results

    JRebel and Snyk have recently published their Java/JVM technology reports, and Codingame and Tiobe have published reports into language usage and adoption. InfoQ looks at the state of play of these reports, and what is happening in the Java and wider ecosystems today.

  • Balancing Coupling in Distributed Systems: Vladik Khononov at DDD Europe

    We have been told that coupling is bad, so we decouple everything and break everything apart into tiny services that can be changed independently. But by following this reasoning we often end up with a distributed mess, Vladik Khononov noted in his presentation at the recent DDD Europe 2020 conference in Amsterdam. Instead of fighting coupling, he proposes that we use it as a design tool.

  • CodeNode in London Relaunched by Trifork as Conference Venue

    CodeNode, former host of SkillsMatter, has been bought by Trifork and will re-open its doors in London.

  • Yelp Varanus Helps Android Apps Monitor and Limit Network Traffic

    Recently open-sourced by Yelp, Varanus is an Android library aiming to prevent apps from inadvertently consuming too much data. Besides monitoring network traffic, Varanus can also shut it off if required.

  • Docker Donates Converter Library for Storing CNAB Bundles in Container Registries to

    Docker announced that they have donated the cnab-to-oci library to the Cloud Native Application Bundle (CNAB) project. The library can convert and push CNAB application bundles to OCI-compliant registries by leveraging existing OCI abstractions.

  • Dissecting Bounded Contexts: Nick Tune at DDD Europe

    There are many reasons for breaking up systems and making them more modular, Nick Tune noted in his keynote at the recent DDD Europe 2020 conference. We lower the cognitive load, teams can work independently, and from a business perspective we can do more granular investments. In his presentation, Tune discussed how by dissecting bounded contexts we can find more options when designing them.

  • Java Flight Recorder Coming to OpenJDK 8

    Java Flight Recorder, originally open sourced in Open JDK 11, is being backported into the mainline Open JDK 8 tree as it comes out of its early access release. Together with JMC 7.1, available from Azul, flight recorder profiling will become accessible to users of both Open JDK 8 and Open JDK 11.

  • Agile Companies Have Higher Employee Engagement

    The Business Agility Institute has released a whitepaper which summarises research into employee engagement. They concluded that high levels of employee engagement has a direct correlation with greater talent attraction and retention, innovation, profitability and production. They also show that organisations with high levels of agile maturity have a 25% higher Glassdoor rating.