InfoQ Homepage News
CRI-O Infrastructure and Application Monitoring Now Supported by Instana
Kubernetes application performance management solution, Instana, has announced support for managing CRI-O Kubernetes run-time containers and the applications that run on that infrastructure.
Ballerina - An Open Source JVM Language and Platform for Cloud-Era Application Programmers
Open-source technology company, WSO2, has released Ballerina 1.1.0 with new features including: the new Ballerina Tool, enhanced IDE support for VSCode and IntelliJ IDEA; and improved performance in runtime type checking and creating and accessing maps, arrays and records. Lakmal Warusawithana, senior director, cloud architecture at WSO2, spoke to InfoQ about this latest release.
IBM Stops Work on Swift — Q&A with Chris Bailey
IBM has recently discontinued its involvement in Server-side Swift development, which started soon after Swift was open-sourced, and relinquished its leadership in the Swift Server Work Group [SSWG]. InfoQ has talked to IBM's Chris Bailey to learn more about what this may imply for Swift and the Swift community.
Lessons on the Competencies of Coaching from Spotify and ICAgile
Erin McManus and Fiona Siseman of Spotify presented a talk at AgileAus in which they explained how Spotify's Agile coaches follow six principles and can provide "full-stack coaching" at all levels. Shane Hastie, ICAgile's director of learning, has also recently written about the competencies required of Agile coaches as they begin their journey to mastery.
Microsoft Open-Sources ONNX Acceleration for BERT AI Model
Microsoft's Azure Machine Learning team recently open-sourced their contribution to the ONNX Runtime library for improving the performance of the natural language processing (NLP) model BERT. With the optimizations, the model's inference latency on the SQUAD benchmark sped up 17x.
NativeScript Replaces JavaScriptCore with V8 for iOS Apps
NativeScript new JavaScript runtime for iOS, based on Google's V8 engine, is now in beta, after several months of development. This change should bring reduced app startup time as well as simplify NativeScript's development process.
Change Data Capture Tool Debezium 1.0 Final Released
The open source change data capture (CDC) tool Debezium 1.0 Final was recently released with an event format clean-up, increased test coverage of databases, and 96 issues addressed. In a blog post Gunnar Morling describes Debezium's basic concepts and some common use cases, and details about both the current release and what to expect in future releases.
Keeping Credentials Safe, Google Introduces Cloud Secret Manager
In a recent blog post, Google announced a new service, called Secret Manager, for managing credentials, API keys and certificates when using Google Cloud Platform. The service is currently in beta and the intent of this service is to reduce secret sprawl within an organization’s cloud deployment and ensure there is a single source of truth for managing credentials.
Sonatype Disables Unencrypted Access to Maven
Sonatype has disabled unencrypted HTTP access to Maven Central, improving security for build systems such as Maven, Gradle, SBT, and other dependency systems.
Gradle 6 Brings Significant Dependency Management Improvements
Gradle, the customizable open source build automation tool, has released version 6.0 with significant improvements to dependency management, out of the box support for javadoc and source jars, and faster incremental compilation of Java and Groovy code. In addition, the latest release 6.1.1 supports a relocatable dependency cache for speeding up ephemeral CI builds.
Swift 6 Will Bring Improved Concurrency Support and Memory Ownership
Swift development lead Ted Kremenek has announced a preliminary vision of what Swift 6 could include and how the community will get there on Swift's mailing list. Swift 6 will bring significant improvements to the language, including better concurrency support and memory ownership. No fixed timeline has been set yet, though, leading people to think it will not happen in 2020.
Confluent Offers Apache Kafka as a Service on the GCP Marketplace
In a recent blog post, Confluent announced the general availability of Confluent Cloud on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Marketplace. Confluent Cloud is a fully managed Apache Kafka service, which removes the burden of its users to manage Kafka themselves.
Database Access Misconfiguration Exposes 250M Customer Records at Microsoft
Comparitech security firm reported a major data breach at Microsoft that exposed 250 million customer records over a period of a couple of days. Microsoft said the leaked data, which did not include personally identifiable information, was not used maliciously.
Apple Acquires Edge-Focused AI Startup
Apple has acquired, a Seattle-based startup that builds AI models that run on edge devices, for approximately $200 million.
QCon London - Keynotes & Workshops on Kubernetes, Apache Kafka, Microservices, Docker
QCon London is fast approaching. Join over 1,600 global software leaders this March 2-4. At the event, you will experience: talks that describe how industry leaders drive innovation and change within their organizations; a focus on real-world experiences, patterns, and practices (not product pitches), and implementable ideas for your projects and your teams.