InfoQ Homepage News
Changing How We Think about Work-Life Balance
The term “work-life balance” is outdated; what we now associate with work and life are not always the same as they were traditionally, said Jennifer Cox at Women in Tech Dublin 2019. In many cases they overlap or clash from time to time, making it even harder to mentally separate the two. “We have to shift our thinking more towards integration and alignment, than balance,” she argued.
20 Years of the Apache Software Foundation: ApacheCon 2019 Opening Keynote
At the recent ApacheCon North America 2019 in Las Vegas, the opening keynote session celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Apache Software Foundation, with key themes being: the history of the ASF, a strong commitment to community and collaboration, and efforts to increase contributions from the public. The session also featured a talk by astrophysicist David Brin on the potential dangers of AI.
Training Your Managers to Support the Mental Health of Your Team
We still do not offer clear advice for our organizations and managers on the best ways to raise awareness of and manage mental health in the workplace, according to a recent review of the literature on mental health awareness training.
Reactive Foundation Launched under the Linux Foundation
The Linux Foundation announced the launch of the Reactive Foundation, a community of leaders established to accelerate technologies for building the next generation of networked applications. The foundation is made up of Alibaba, Facebook, Lightbend, Netifi and Pivotal as initial members, and includes the successful open source Reactive Streams and RSocket specifications.
Python 2 End of Life Announced as January 1st 2020
After spreading the news at conferences, on the Python announcement list, and on countless blog posts and books, the Python Software Foundation has finally taken the step to formally announce Python 2 will reach end of life (EOL) on January 1st, 2019.
Microsoft Presents Static TypeScript, a Fast Subset of TypeScript Targeting Embedded Devices
Microsoft recently submitted a research paper introducing Static TypeScript (STS), a subset of TypeScript targeting low-resource embedded devices, to the Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes 2019 (MPLR 2019) international conference. STS programs may run on devices with only 16 kB of RAM faster than embedded interpreters would, which would extend battery life of these devices.
Microsoft Launches Azure Active Directory-Based Access Control for Service Bus
In a recent statement, Microsoft has announced the general availability of Azure Active Directory (AD) based access control for Service Bus, enabling the option to use identities in combination with Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to authenticate against the service’s data endpoints. Moreover, they have also introduced accompanying RBAC roles, providing granular control over granted permissions.
Lightbend Release CloudState, Providing a Spec for Managing "Serverless" State and a RI with Knative
Lightbend has recently announced CloudState. CloudState is the first open source serverless framework designed to bring stateful management on Knative/Kubernetes stack.
Google Introduces Cloud Storage Connector for Hadoop Big Data Workloads
In a recent blog post, Google announced a new Cloud Storage connector for Hadoop. This new capability allows organizations to substitute their traditional HDFS with Google Cloud Storage. Columnar file formats such as Parquet and ORC may realize increased throughput, and customers will benefit from Cloud Storage directory isolation, lower latency, increased parallelization and intelligent defaults
Optimized Lazy Image Loading with Progressive JPEG and HTTP Range Requests
Christoph Erdmann recently detailed an interesting technique for image lazy loading using Progressive JPEG and HTTP range requests. Unlike other image placeholder and lazy loading techniques, using range requests do not result in downloading extra image data while still providing a small preview image similar to the original.
Microsoft Clears the Way for Having ExFAT in the Linux Kernel
Microsoft is making the official specification for exFAT freely available in a move meant to make it possible to include an exFAT driver directly into the Linux kernel. Additionally, when an exFAT-enabled Linux kernel will be published, Microsoft will support its inclusion in the Open Invention Network’s Linux System Definition.
WebAssembly Source Code Can Now Be Debugged Outside the Browser with GDB and LLDB
Mozilla recently demonstrated debugging of WebAssembly binaries outside the browser, using standard debuggers like GDB and LLDB. Debugging WebAssembly code in the same execution environment that is used in production allows developers to catch and diagnose bugs that may not arise in a native build of the same code.
Spring Cloud App Broker V1 Eases Development of Managed Services
Spring Cloud has introduced a new framework called Spring Cloud App Broker that eases the development of Spring Boot applications that implement the Open Service Broker API and the provisioning of those applications as managed services.
Go 1.13 Brings Centralized Module Mirror Proxy and Checksum Database
While leaving the language mostly unchanged, Go 1.13 brings a number of improvements to the toolchain, runtime, and libraries, including a relatively controversial default Go module proxy and Checksum database which requires developers to accept a specific Google privacy policy.
Mozilla Will Continue to Support Existing Ad Blockers, Partially Implementing Extension Manifest V3
Mozilla will continue to support existing extensions which prevent ads from being displayed, unlike Google, which in its draft Extensions Manifest v3, proposes changes to the browser extensions mechanism which may break ad-blockers.