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  • DOES London: ITV Autoscaling for Love Island

    Tom Clark from ITV, a UK-based commercial producer and broadcaster, gave his fourth talk at DevOps Enterprise Summit London recently, titled 'Better, Faster, Cheaper, Happier,’ building on the evolutionary story of the common platform for which he is accountable.

  • Interfacing Elixir with Rust to Improve Performance: Discord's Story

    When the Discord team hit a hard-limit on BEAM's performance dealing with large data structures, they resorted to interfacing Elixir with Rust to make their system able to scale up to 11 million concurrent users.

  • DOES London: RBS' Jennifer Wood on Conquering the Abyss and Rebirth

    Jennifer Wood’s talk, ‘Our Heroes’ Journey to Agility’, opened the proceedings at this year’s DevOps Enterprise Summit in London. Wood first spoke at the conference last year, with her ‘The Art of Scaling Agile and DevOps’ and took the opportunity to build on the journey she is witnessing at RBS in her role as chief operating officer.

  • DOES London: Mark Schwartz on War & Peace & IT

    Mark Schwartz, former CIO and self-described iconoclast, spoke recently at DevOps Enterprise Summit London. Schwartz is the author of three books published by IT Revolution: ‘The Art of Business’, ‘A Seat at the Table’ and ‘War & Peace & IT,’ and is currently an enterprise strategist at Amazon Web Services. 

  • Preview of C# 8.x

    Even though C# 8.0 is still months away, planning has begun for C# 8.x. Some of these features are new, while others were previously considered for C# 8.

  • Paypal's Hera Supports MySQL and Oracle DB Connection Multiplexing, Read-Write Split and Sharding

    Paypal's Hera framework supports database connection multiplexing, read-write split, sharding, and automatic SQL eviction capabilities. Petrica Voicu and Kenneth Kang from PayPal's development team spoke at QCon New York's 2019 Conference on Tuesday about the data access gateway. Hera, recently open sourced, is used to scale several PayPal applications.

  • Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 Has Linux Kernel Shipping in Windows

    Windows announced that Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 2 is now available through the Windows Insiders program. WSL allows developers to run a Linux environment, including most command line tools and utilities, directly within Windows. WSL 2 presents a new architecture that aims to increase file system performance and provide full system call compatibility.

  • Google Earth Ported to Browsers with WebAssembly

    The Google Earth team recently released a beta preview of a WebAssembly port of Google Earth. The new port runs in Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers, including Edge (Canary version) and Opera, as well as Firefox. The port thus brings cross-browser support to the existing Earth For Web version, which uses the native C++ codebase and Chrome’s Native Client (NaCl) technology.

  • Bringing Blockchain Developer Tools to the Enterprise, Truffle and Microsoft Announce Partnership

    In a recent blogpost, Microsoft and Truffle announced a partnership to bring blockchain developer tools and experiences to the Microsoft Azure ecosystem. The investments the organizations are making include local blockchain nodes for testing, with test data, smart contract authoring and continuous deployment, debugging and testing.

  • Interactive .NET Documentation with Try .NET

    Recently Microsoft open-sourced Try .NET, an interactive documentation generator for .NET Core. Similarly to equivalent tools targeting different programming languages (such as Jupyter), it produces documentation that can contain both explanatory text and live, runnable code.

  • Patterns in Distributed Systems

    In a series of blog posts, Mathias Verraes describes patterns in distributed systems that he has encountered in his work and has found helpful. He currently describes 16 patterns in three areas: patterns for decoupling, general messaging patterns and event sourcing patterns. His goal is to identify, name and document the patterns together with the context in which they can be useful.

  • Making 'npm install' Safe

    At QCon New York 2019, Kate Sills, a software engineer at Agoric, discussed some of the security challenges in building composable smart contract components with JavaScript. Two emerging TC39 JavaScript proposals, realms and Secure ECMAScript (SES) were presented as solutions to security risks with the npm installation process.

  • Microsoft Announces Visual Studio Online

    Last month Microsoft announced the launch of Visual Studio Online, an online code editor for the web. With the new service, Microsoft wants to enable developers to work together from anywhere, on any device.

  • Timescale Cloud: Managed Time Series Database on Azure, Google Cloud and AWS

    Timescale announced the availability of Timescale Cloud, a fully managed version of their time series database on Azure, GCP, and AWS. It provides time series analysis functions, the ability to scale up and down, visualization integration with tools like Grafana and Tableau, and data encryption.

  • DevOps Needs Continuous Improvement to Succeed

    Continuous improvement is not a new thing and is often misunderstood. To be successful, we can take guidance from agile principles and apply them to the DevOps world, argued Mirco Hering, managing director at Accenture. At Agile Portugal 2019 he spoke about DevOps leadership in the age of agile.