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  • Using Contract Testing for Applications with Microservices

    When using microservices, integration points between services are a hotbed for bugs. With consumer-driven contract testing, the consumer defines the contract and verifications are made against it within the providers build/test lifecycle. Contract testing fits well into a microservice workflow and kills your integration bugs, argued Maarten Groeneweg at the European Testing Conference 2019.

  • Release Management and Customer Experience at Snapchat

    In 2019, T-Mobile hosted Snapchat executive, Tammarrian Rogers, and release manager, Claire Reinert, who presented how, in three years, they transformed their release management processes and culture which directly improved their customer experience.

  • MicroProfile Community Launches MicroProfile Starter, a Web-Based Project Generator

    The MicroProfile community has recently launched a beta release of MicroProfile Starter, a website that allows you to create, configure and download a new automatically generated project. Users can specify the project's coordinates (groupId and artifactId), which version of MicroProfile they'd like to use, their MicroProfile server, and a number of other project configuration options.

  • JS Foundation Releases Dojo 5

    At the end of January, Dojo, a progressive framework from modern web applications, released Dojo 5. Dojo 5 brings a significant amount of bug fixes and improvements in features and tooling. This iteration aims to enable developers to ship faster a smaller and more robust code base to more browsers.

  • Managing Cloud Spend, Azure Cost Management Reaches General Availability

    In a recent blog post, Microsoft announced Azure Cost Management has reached general availability (GA). Azure Cost Management provides a native cost management solution for enterprise customers which allows organizations to manage and optimize Azure costs across their subscriptions. The core feature set includes cost analysis, budgets, data export, management APIs and alerting.

  • Eclipse Releases GlassFish 5.1 Certified as Compatible with Java EE 8

    Eclipse has achieved another GlassFish milestone with the anticipated GA release of version 5.1. A year in the making, this milestone included previous GlassFish milestones such as the full migration of source code and open-sourcing the Java EE TCK (September 2018), the RC1 release of GlassFish 5.1 (October 2018), and the integration of EclipseLink and Eclipse Jersey in GlassFish (December 2018).

  • Q&A on Cloud Discovery Tool for Multi-Cloud Environments

    Cloud Discovery is an open-source tool from Twistlock that connects to cloud providers and gets an inventory of all the various infrastructure resources deployed. Cloud Discovery gathers and reports resources metadata in an aggregated way. Furthermore, application security holes can be identified when there’s more visibility across environments, such as which resources are missing a firewall rule.

  • Effective Mob Programming Patterns

    Lisi Hocke spoke at the Testing United conference in Bratislava about how she helped shape a collaborative environment through the use of mob-programming. Hocke described how her team effectively used a strong-pairing style. Maaret Pyhäjärvi and Jeff Langr have both recently written about their own patterns for maximising the benefits of mob programming. We survey their experiences.

  • Fitness Functions to Ensure Architectural Goals Are Met

    With fitness-function-driven development, we can write tests that measure a system’s alignment with architectural goals, similar to how we use test-driven development (TDD) to verify that features conform to desired business outcomes, Paula Paul and Rosemary Wang write in a blog post, describing the basic ideas of fitness functions and how architecture qualities can be verified.

  • Three Pillars with Zero Answers: Rethinking Observability with Ben Sigelman

    At KubeCon NA, held in Seattle, USA, in December 2018, Ben Sigelman presented “Three Pillars, Zero Answers: We Need to Rethink Observability” and argued that many organisations may need to rethink their approach to metrics, logging and distributed tracing.

  • Evolution of Metrics Collection and Log Aggregation at Coinbase

    Luke Demi, software engineer at Coinbase, writes about the changes in monitoring and logging that have taken place at Coinbase since mid-2018. Coinbase moved from a self-managed Elasticsearch cluster that served the dual purpose of log analysis and metrics visualization, to Datadog for metrics collection and managed Elasticsearch on AWS for log aggregation.

  • Microsoft Announces New Azure Analytics Services ADLS, ADX and More

    Microsoft has announced the general availability of two new Azure analytics services - Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (ADLS) and Azure Data Explorer (ADX). Furthermore, Microsoft also announced the preview of Azure Data Factory Mapping Data Flow.

  • Improving Deployment Safety at Airbnb with Pipelines

    Alexander Katz, a software engineering intern at Airbnb, recently wrote about improving deployment safety with the introduction of deployment pipelines to Deployboard. The inhouse deployment service at Airbnb, Deployboard, handles thousands of deploys daily for the thousands of services that support Airbnb’s product.

  • Google Chrome Never-Slow Mode

    Google has been working on a prototype feature called Never-Slow Mode. This prototype feature, referenced as a work in progress, aims to improve the user experience, delivering consistent quick browsing.

  • GitHub Draft Pull Requests Enable New Collaboration Workflows

    GitHub has introduced draft pull requests to handle work-in-progress scenarios where you might want to open a PR or start a conversation with your teammates before your code is ready to be reviewed.