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  • Engineering a Generation Z Culture

    The next generation of engineers brings a new set of challenges and opportunities for recruitment, building teams, and retaining talent. Barbara McCarthy, director of engineering at Hubspot, spoke about engineering a generation Z culture at Women in Tech Dublin 2018.

  • C# 8: Type Inference for the New Keyword

    In many situations, there is only one possible type allowed in a given place. And yet C# still requires you to explicitly list the type. If the Target-typed `new` expression proposal is adopted, such boilerplate code will no longer be necessary.

  • Azure Blockchain Workbench 1.6.0 Update Streamlines Development Experience

    In a recent blog post, Microsoft announced an update to their Azure Blockchain Workbench service which improves the development experience of building consortium-based blockchain applications. More specifically, this update includes new features such as application versioning, updated messaging capabilities and streamlined smart contract development.

  • Boosting Team Inclusion at the Workplace Using Artificial Intelligence Technologies

    Boosting Team Inclusion at the Workplace using Technologies establishes that active inclusion enables diverse teams to exceed their performance goals. Gartner suggests leveraging new artificial intelligence powered applications in three areas: sourcing inclusive-ready candidates, analyzing teams' interaction, and training team leaders.

  • AWS Launches New Document-Oriented Database Compatible with MongoDB

    AWS just released their 10th database service (15th, if you count each engine offered in the relational database services). This one, called Amazon DocumentDB, stores semi-structured data inside a scalable, highly-available managed service. While offering a MongoDB-compatible API, DocumentDB is not running MongoDB software, which caused hand-wringing among some tech watchers.

  • Progressing with a Gender-Blind Attitude

    Individual skills should determine success; we should not distinguish people by gender, said Oksana Afonina at Women in Tech Dublin. In her talk, she explained how she focuses on her own skills and performance, those being the main traits to benefit from career-wise. Change starts with you, she said; there are always opportunities to empower others around you and scale your impact.

  • ASP.NET Core 3.0 Projects Go on a Diet

    Microsoft.AspNetCore.App, the primary dependency for more ASP.NET Core projects, has 150 explicitly listed dependencies. In order to improve long-term supportability, over 30 of these will be dropped in ASP.NET Core 3.0.

  • Amazon Updates SQS to Support Amazon VPC Endpoints Using AWS PrivateLink

    Amazon announced last month that its fully managed message queuing service Simple Queue Service (SQS) supports Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Endpoints using AWS PrivateLink. Now customers can have with this update private access to SQS and not have to use public IPs and traverse the public internet.

  • Previewing Swift 5 Result Type

    One of the most awaited proposals for Swift 5, Result, has already landed into the language. The Result type forces the programmer to explicitly handle the failure and success cases before they can gain access to the actual value. Let’s have a look at how it is implemented, how you can use it, and why it was needed.

  • Netflix Play API: Building an Evolutionary Architecture

    At QCon SF, Suudhan Rangarajan presented “Netflix Play API: Why We Built an Evolutionary Architecture”. Key takeaways included: services that have a single identity/responsibility are easier to upgrade; spend time identifying core decisions that need to be made when building a service; and designing an “evolutionary architecture” using tools like fitness functions provides many benefits.

  • New Docker Hub Merges Together Docker Cloud and Docker Store

    Docker has released a new Docker Hub experience that combines the previous Docker Store, Docker Cloud, and Docker Hub functionality into one location. This provides users with a single experience for finding, storing, and sharing container images. Verified and certified images and plugins are now available through Docker Hub. They have also released improvements to the automated build feature.

  • The Tech Coach Strikes Back: The Value of Mentoring and Mob Programming

    Technical coaching is all about helping developers grow by finding ways to increase their technical excellence and to work with softer skills, like the ability to be able to communicate and listen to other developers, argued Tobias Modig at GrowIT 2018. The softer part is closely connected to traditional coaching, but it also comes with a tech twist.

  • The Guardian’s Migration from MongoDB to PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS

    The Guardian migrated their CMS’s datastore in 2018 from a self-managed MongoDB cluster to PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS for a fully managed solution. The team did an API-based migration without any downtime.

  • Google Announces Cloud DNS Forwarding

    In a recent blog post, Google has announced Cloud DNS forwarding, allowing resources, both in the cloud and on-premises, to find each other through DNS. These capabilities deliver the option to either implement Google DNS or one’s private authoritative server as a DNS provider.

  • GitHub Launches Free Private Repos with up to Three Collaborators

    GitHub has just announced it will allow developers to create private repositories with up to three collaborators at no cost. Additionally, GitHub has introduced a new product for enterprise customers operating both in the cloud and on-premises. InfoQ has spoken with Kathy Simpson, senior director of product at GitHub, to learn more.