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InfoQ Homepage News

  • Think in Products, Not Projects: Q&A with Ardita Karaj

    Organizations structured around products oversee their work end-to-end. Reversing Conway’s law to establish long-lived teams around the products brings stability and makes it easier to manage and prioritize work. Retrospectives are a powerful tool for product management; they give confidence to continue and help you pivote quickly on what might become high risk or loss for the organization.

  • Microsoft Bing Gets Performance Boost from .NET Core 2.1

    After moving Microsoft search engine Bing to .NET Core 2.1, internal server latency dropped by 34%, writes Microsoft engineer Mukul Sabharwal, mostly thanks to improvements contributed by the .NET community.

  • Jib, a Java Container Image Builder from Google

    Google recently announced Jib, an open-source container image builder that lets Java developers build Java containers using well-known Java tools.

  • Gartner Updates Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Agile Planning Tools

    In 2017, Gartner replaced their study on “Application Development Lifecycle Management” with new research on “Enterprise Agile Planning Tools”. According to the analysts, by leveraging customer centric and business outcome driven practices with continual feedback, Enterprise Agile Planning (EAP) tools help organizations establish agile practices at scale

  • Docker Desktop Adds Kubernetes Support

    Docker has released Kubernetes support in their stable channel for Docker Desktop on Windows and on Mac. Kubernetes is also supported by Docker Enterprise, allowing you to deploy the same images in both systems. This includes Docker Compose support, allowing you to use compose files to deploy to the Kubernetes cluster as an alternative to kubeconfig files.

  • NATS Messaging System Gets Kafka-Like Log API via Liftbridge

    Joining the hot event-driven technology space is Liftbridge, an open-source project that extends the NATS messaging system with a scalable, Kafka-like log API. InfoQ spoke to creator Tyler Treat to learn more about the project, and the changing nature of data integration.

  • The Machine Learning Behind Android Pie Smart Linkify API

    Last week, Google announced Android 9, codenamed Pie. Android is launching a set of new features, powered by Artificial Intelligence. One of the most important new AI powered features is Android Smart Linkify. This article explores the architecture behind the dual in-device Neural Network powering content understanding in context to generate smart links on any text showing up on an Android phone.

  • BitBucket Introduces Support for Git V2 and Improved Search Functionality

    Atlassian has launched BitBucket server 5.13, bringing in support for Git v2 and also improving on the way repositories can be searched. This includes a new repository labels functionality, and the ability to find the corresponding pull requests for a commit.

  • Microsoft Driver Module Framework Aims to Ease Windows Driver Development

    Windows driver developers should now have an easier way to create simple and structured drivers, as well as to share code amongst drivers, using the new Microsoft Driver Module Framework (DMF), which has been recently open sourced.

  • JBoss Web Server 5 with Tomcat 9 is Available

    Red Hat JBoss Web Server (JWS) combines the Apache web server with the Tomcat servlet engine for building, deploying, and maintaining web applications and large-scale websites. JBoss Web Server version 5 was recently released supporting Tomcat 9 and introduces several new features and enhancements.

  • Prometheus Monitoring Platform "Graduates" from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)

    On August 9th, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) announced open source monitoring toolkit, Prometheus, has graduated from its incubation status. In order to achieve this rating, projects must demonstrate growth, documentation, organized governance processes, commitment to community sustainability and inclusivity.

  • Uber Open Sources Its Large Scale Metrics Platform M3

    Uber’s engineering team released its metrics platform M3 as open source which it has been using internally for some years. The platform was built to replace its Graphite based system, and provides cluster management, aggregation, collection, storage management, a distributed time series database (TSDB) and a query engine with its own query language M3QL.

  • .NET Core 2.1 Previews Tiered Compilation

    The .NET Core team has been looking to solve the dilemma of how to best optimize runtime application performance without sacrificing startup responsiveness. A preview of their solution, tiered compilation, is now available for .NET Core 2.1 developers.

  • Microsoft Announces General Availability of Azure Management Groups

    Microsoft has announced the general availability of Azure management groups, which provide the ability to organize and apply governance to all subscriptions in a management group. Azure management groups do this by implementing centralized management of Azure policies, role-based access control and more.

  • Heidi Helfand on Listening for Maximum Impact

    Leadership starts with listening and it can amplify your impact! Heidi Helfand presented at Agile2018 on developing our listening skills to be a better leader. Leaders who listen have a big impact on their teams. Slowing down and paying attention, actually listening vs. jumping to give answers, is where the impact is. It may seem slower, but it has lasting results.