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  • From Darwin to DevOps: John Willis and Gene Kim Talk about Life after The Phoenix Project

    IT Revolution recently published an audiobook with nearly eight hours of conversation between Gene Kim and John Willis; Beyond the Phoenix Project – the Origins and Evolution of DevOps.

  • Propel Shifts Plans to Leverage TensorFlow.js

    The Propel JavaScript scientific computing and machine learning library has announced a change in the project's direction. Just a few weeks after Propel's initial launch in March 2018, TensorFlow.js announced its release. Propel's initial efforts extended deeplearn.js and the C implementation of TensorFlow. Tensorflow.js is an evolution of deeplearn.js.

  • AWS Blockchain Templates for Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric

    Amazon recently announced the introduction of blockchain templates for Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric. AWS Blockchain templates enable developers to quickly setup blockchain infrastructure and focus on building applications rather than having to deal with the underlying infrastructure, how to build, maintain and secure it.

  • Build 2018: The Future of C#

    Number one on the list of future C# features is Nullable Reference Types. But also on the table are enhancements to pattern matching, array slicing, asynchronous iterators, default interface methods, and possibly even records.

  • ARCore 1.2 Lets Users Share AR Worlds

    At its recent I/O 2018 conference, Google announced version 1.2 of its augmented reality framework, ARCore, which brings collaborative AR experiences through Cloud Anchors, vertical plane detection, and SceneForms, which makes it possible to create 3D apps without using OpenGL.

  • Increasing the Resilience of APIs with Chaos Engineering

    The Gremlin team has described a simple chaos experiment as a method of validating that an organisation’s APIs are resilient. Using the principles of chaos engineering and techniques like running “game days” (a fire drill for IT systems and people) can provide value, as can the appropriate use of commercial and open source tooling emerging within this space.

  • Happy Cultures and How They Grow High Performers

    ITV's Tom Clark spoke at DOXLON in February, proposing the hypothesis that high performance is a side-effect of creating happy teams. Andy Flemming, contributor to Deliberately Developmental Organization, also recently spoke about how to reap business and strategic benefits by creating a culture with an intentional focus on transparency, and the learning, growth and happiness of individuals.

  • Google's Stackdriver Monitoring Announces Better Support for Kubernetes Deployments

    At the recently concluded KubeCon, Google announced the beta release of Stackdriver monitoring for Kubernetes. The key features include central visibility of Kubernetes-orchestrated container metrics and logs along with other metrics in the existing Stackdriver dashboard, and better Prometheus support.

  • Microsoft Announces Preview of Azure SignalR Service

    Microsoft recently announced a public preview of the Azure SignalR Service during their annual Build developer conference in Seattle. SignalR has been available for download as a separate ASP.NET library but this is the first time it has been available as a fully-managed service.

  • PGP and S/MIME Encrypted Email Vulnerable to Efail Attack

    A group of German and Belgian researchers found that PGP and S/MIME are vulnerable to an attack that leaks the plaintext of encrypted emails. The Electronic Frontier Foundation confirmed the vulnerability and suggested to use alternative means to exchange secure messages. Yet, the vulnerability is not in PGP itself, according to GnuPG creator Werner Koch, who also said EFF comments were overblown.

  • New Features in C# 7.3

    Though a comparatively minor release, C# 7.3 addresses some long outstanding complaints from C# 1 and 2 such as overload resolution and generic constraints that work with enums and delegates.

  • Build 2018: .NET Overview & Roadmap

    At Microsoft Build 2018, Scott Hunter, director program management, .NET and Scott Hanselman, director community, .NET gave a session on the future of .NET. The thrust of the presentation was that .NET can be the platform for building any kind of application: desktop, web, cloud, mobile, gaming, IoT or AI. Your existing language skills are not wasted and can be used in new areas.

  • Culture, Psychological Safety, and Emotional Intelligence for High Performance Teams

    Humanity is the heart of the creative intellectual work that many of us are engaged in. The foundation of high-performance teams is people who have freedom and autonomy and feel safer. Games can be used to support self-awareness and connection and build team emotional intelligence onto safety.

  • Microsoft and Red Hat Announce a Managed OpenShift Offering on Azure

    Microsoft announced it would expand their partnership with Red Hat to offer a managed OpenShift on Azure, which will combine the capabilities of Red Hat OpenShift and Microsoft Azure. Both Red Hat and Microsoft will join forces to design and engineer a Red Hat OpenShift on Azure, which will be available as a public preview in the coming months.

  • RxJS 6 Release Improves Performance and Modularity

    The RxJS team has announced their 6.0 release, which improves the project's approach to modularity, streamlines performance, adds a backwards compatibility package to ease upgrades, and supports code migration for TypeScript users.