InfoQ Homepage News
First Pedestrian Killed by Self-Driving Car
A pedestrian was killed on Sunday evening in Tempe, Arizona, by a self-driving car operated by Uber, the BBC reports. The firm confirmed that the vehicle was traveling in autonomous mode with a safety driver, the only vehicle occupant, behind the wheel during the crash.
Microsoft Embeds Artificial Intelligence Platform in Windows 10 Update
The next Windows 10 update opens the way for the integration of artificial intelligence functionalities within Windows applications. Developers will be able to integrate pre-trained deep-learning models converted to the ONNX framework in their Windows applications.
Ankyra Presents “Escape”, a Release Automation Tool That Manages Platforms as Logical Components
Over the last ten years there has been increased focus on infrastructure as code (IaC) tooling, primarily driven by the rise of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and API-driven infrastructure. InfoQ discussed the challenges of homogenising this tooling with Bart Spaans, founder of Ankyra, who is an expert in the domain of infrastructure and release engineering.
Google Releases “Skaffold”, a Tool That Facilitates Continuous Development with Kubernetes
Google has released Skaffold, an open source command line tool that facilitates continuous development for Kubernetes applications. Skaffold is entering an increasingly crowded space of Kubernetes development automation tooling, including Azure’s Draft, Datawire’s Forge and Weavework’s Flux.
Q&A with Marisa Fagan on Security Championship
Security lead Marisa Fagan recently spoke at QConLondon 2018 about upskilling and elevating engineering team members into the role of Security Champions. We catch up with Fagen and report on her efforts to address contention caused by a scarcity of security professionals.
GitHub Licensed Aims to Make it Easier to Comply with OSS Licenses
GitHub Licensed is an open-source tool that aims to simplify the chore of ensuring license soundness and documentation for all dependencies of a GitHub project.
Sauce Labs Adds Analytics and Extended Debugging to Continuous Testing Cloud
At their recent user conference SauceCon, Sauce Labs introduced new capabilities for its continuous testing cloud including test analytics, featuring a dashboard that analyses test results and exposes common failures by browser and operating system, including Android and iOS.
JavaFX and the Future of Java Client Technologies
Oracle will remove JavaFX, Applets and Java Web Start from the JDK after Java SE 8. Swing and AWT will remain.
Why the World Needs More Resilient Systems: Tammy Butow Discusses Chaos Engineering at QCon London
At QCon London, Tammy Butow, explained why the world needs more resilient systems, and how this can be achieved with the practice of chaos engineering. Three primary prerequisites for chaos engineering were provided -- high severity “SEV” incident management, monitoring, and measuring the impact -- and a series of guidelines, tools and practices presented.
Q&A with James Munnelly and Matt Bates on Kubernetes Stateful Services and Navigator at QCon London
InfoQ asked James Munnelly and Matt Bates from Jetstack about their view and ongoing work to be able to configure, deploy, monitor, scale, and auto-heal stateful services in Kubernetes in the same way as stateless services. In particular, we've asked them about the approach and implementation of Navigator, an open source Kubernetes extension Munnelly and Bates have been developing.
Microsoft Announces a Public Preview of the MongoDB Aggregation Feature in Azure Cosmos DB
Last November Microsoft announced more capabilities for the support of MongoDB in Azure Cosmos DB. With the deployment of the latest version of the Cosmos DB service, Microsoft included a preview of MongoDB aggregation pipeline support, enabling developers to create more sophisticated queries and manipulate data by combining multiple aggregation ‘stages.’
Great Engineering Cultures and Organizations - Afternoon Sessions from QCon London
The Building Great Engineering Cultures and Organizations track at QCon London 2018 contained talks from practitioners representing digital leaders of the consumer internet as well as transformational corporates from “traditional” sectors. Previously InfoQ published a summary of the morning sessions; this is the summary of the afternoon sessions of this track.
Rust 2018 Will Focus on Productivity, WebAssembly, Embedded, and More
The Rust core team has announced the official roadmap for Rust in 2018, which brings productivity to the fore and targets four main domains: Web services, WebAssembly, CLI apps, and embedded devices.
Exploring Global Tools in .NET Core
One of the new features to debut in .NET Core 2.1 Preview was Global Tools. Global Tools is a way to write .NET Core console apps that can be packaged and delivered as NuGet packages. If .NET Core runs on the target platform, then a properly packaged Global Tool will work there.
Events Are Reshaping the Future of Distributed Systems: Jonas Bonér at QCon London
There are many reasons why you should care about events; they drive autonomy, increase stability, help you move faster and allow for time travel, Jonas Bonér noted in his presentation at QCon London 2018, where he explored how events are reshaping modern system.