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InfoQ Homepage News

  • Microsoft Announces General Availability of Azure Event Grid

    Microsoft introduced Event Grid last year in August, and now it is generally available (GA). The Azure Event Grid is a service which enables developers to manage events in a unified way in Azure.

  • TC39 Finalizes Feature Set for ECMAScript 2018

    TC39 finalized the feature set for ES2018, the latest revision to the ECMAScript Language Specification, in their 23-25 January meeting. This update adds new features like asynchronous iterators and rest/spread operators for object destructuring and object literals, substantial updates to regular expressions, and additional updates to promises and template literals.

  • TypeScript 2.7 Now Available

    TypeScript 2.7 has been released with several major features and bug fixes. Some of the highlights include support for assignment checks on class properties, fixed length tuples, and improved type inference for object literals. Overall the changes in this release make improvements to the type system, ES2015+ features, and the overall TypeScript developer experience.

  • Amazon Releases a Unified AWS Auto Scaling Service across Cloud Applications

    Amazon has released a new service, AWS Auto Scaling, which is built on top of existing, service specific, scaling features. AWS Auto Scaling can aid customers in monitoring their applications and automatically adjust capacity to maintain steady, and predictable performance. The service provides a unified scaling capability for cloud applications in AWS.

  • How to Win a Solar Race Using Agile

    The Nuon Solar team uses agile and Scrum to take the steps which add the most value to the project first, integrate different disciplines, ensure transparency and focus, and reflect to improve. Their goal is promote and educate the use of clean energy; the mission is to win the Sasol Solar Challenge in South Africa using the power of innovation.

  • AWS Streamlines Amazon EC2 Spot Instance Pricing Model and Operational Complexity

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently introduced significant changes on how to request and operate Amazon EC2 spot instances, which can provide considerable cost savings. Users can now request spot instances without specifying a bidding price, spot prices are adjusted more gradually, and spot instances can also be stopped or hibernated and later resumed to further optimize interruptible workloads.

  • Blockchain and Smart Contracts in a Business Process

    Buying something through an internet portal, for example a car, normally involves two parties who don’t trust each other; a buyer and a seller. The portal is just a broker so either the buyer must transfer money before getting the ordered item, or the seller must send the item before getting the money. To overcome this lack of mutual trust, Bernd Rücker claims that a blockchain can be used.

  • GitHub Introduces Multiple Commit Authors

    GitHub has started supporting multiple commit authors. The new feature is meant to improve collaboration from several developers on the same commits or pulls requests and ensures every author gets attribution of their commits in their profile contributions graph and the repository’s statistics.

  • Electric Cloud Enhances Platform With Additional Mainframe and Microservices Capabilities

    New ElectricFlow DevOps Automation support for mainframe includes native automation capabilities both pre- and post-deployment and pipeline governance and security. A new native microservices model allows microservices to be treated as first-level objects so that they can be modeled independently of applications and environments.

  • jQuery 3.3.1 out, Team Preps for 4.0

    jQuery 3.3.1 has been released, which includes a new feature and several deprecations. The deprecations are in preparation for jQuery 4.0. While there isn't much new information on jQuery 4.0, it will include a complete rewrite.

  • Codefresh Releases CLI for Kubernetes

    Codefresh has released a Command Line Interface (CLI) allowing users to operate Codefresh remotely and access the Codefresh API from inside Docker pipelines.

  • Oracle to End Free Support for Past Java Versions Much Sooner

    Oracle's new support roadmap appears to have significantly curtailed the length of time that free updates to each new version of Java will be offered.

  • Using Mono to Compile C# to WebAssembly

    The Mono Project is working on changes to the Mono compiler that will let C# developers target WebAssembly. A look at an early version of the software shows how easily developers can make use of this new platform.

  • Swift Has Got Its Discussion Forum

    The Swift team has announced the migration of several Swift mailing lists to the Swift Forums, which will be the primary discussion and communication method from now on.

  • Events Should Be a First-Class Tool for Developers

    We should use events much more often in software systems, Randy Shoup declared in a recent blog post about how events should be first-class citizens in systems. He believes we often underestimate the value of events as a tool. One example is that they can help us decouple parts of a system so that we can reason about them independently.