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InfoQ Homepage News

  • Amazon Announces AWS Outposts

    Amazon has announced AWS Outposts, allowing to create a hybrid cloud solution through AWS-designed fully managed and maintained compute and storage racks. With AWS Outposts the APIs, infrastructure, tools, and hardware which AWS uses is now also available for on-premises data centers and integrates seamlessly with AWS.

  • Entity Services is an Antipattern

    In a microservice based architecture, it is important to keep the different services separated. Entity services is a common pattern now applied to microservices, but Michael Nygard claims that entity services is an anti-pattern that works against separation.

  • W3C Releases HTML 5.2 As Official Recommendation

    The W3C released the HTML 5.2 update to the HTML specification as an official recommendation on December 14, 2017. This update adds new features like the dialog element, obsoletes old ones like the HTML plugins system, and integrates work from other W3C committees such as support for the Payments Request API and the Presentation API.

  • Microsoft Releases Public Preview of IoT Software-as-a-Service Offering

    Microsoft recently announced a public preview of IoT Central, its software-as-a-service solution for the Internet of Things. IoT Central had been in limited preview for a few months with chosen customers who have been trialling the solution and providing feedback.

  • How ING Bank Does SRE

    Janna Brummel and Robin van Zijll, from ING Netherlands, talked at the Velocity conference in London about how poor availability from their internet banking systems prompted the bank to implement an SRE culture. A centralized SRE team was set up in the Netherlands to provide tooling, consulting and education on reliability to product teams (known as BizDevOps squads internally).

  • Looking Forward to Java in 2018

    A look forward at the two new releases of Java that are expected in 2018.

  • Google to Improve Security and Privacy of Google Play Apps

    Android developers will have to comply with two new requirements if they want their apps to be available on Google Play in the future. Those include supporting a recent Android version and adding support for 64-bit native code. Additionally, Google will start including some security metadata to improve APK authenticity verification.

  • Amazon Web Services New Region EU (Paris) Is Now Open for Business

    Amazon launches its 18th AWS Region in the Paris area to better serve their customers in and around France. This region will be the fourth in Europe after Germany, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. The French region, called the AWS EU (Paris) region, will provide customers the full stack of AWS services including compute, storage, networking, IoT, AI and serverless computing.

  • Visual Studio Code 1.19 Completes 2017 Release Schedule, Team Preps for 2018

    Microsoft has released Visual Studio Code 1.19, capping off a year of monthly releases. The editor has come a long way in the past year with huge gains in features, speed, and popularity. The team is gearing up for a jam-packed release schedule in 2018.

  • Using C# to Target GPUs

    The new Hybridizer technology provides C# developers with a way to target the CUDA platform and take advantage of GPUs for increased performance. Thanks to Hybridizer, developers are not forced to use C or C++ to write high-performance GPU code.

  • Microsoft Announces General Availability of Azure Archive Storage

    Microsoft recently announced that the Azure Archive Storage has become generally available. The archive feature for Azure Storage has been available in preview with customers for a few months with customers, and the release includes Blob-Level Tiering. This tier enables customers to optimize storage of the lifecycle data across tiers.

  • F# 2017 Retrospective

    During 2017 F# reached version 4.1 and grew its user community, mostly in coincidence with the release of .NET Core 2.0, while getting stronger tooling and wider conference presence, writes Microsoft program manager Phillip Carter.

  • Supporting Digital Leadership with Agile

    Digitization can no longer be stopped; with customers who increasingly act digitally and mobile it is important to show digital leadership. IT is taking over traditional services and is leading the way for new digital connected products. An organization applied agile to change the way teams are funded and to establish teams of owners who take responsibility to put good products in the market.

  • What Rust Achieved in 2017

    Rust development in 2017 focused on a number of areas, including tooling, the library ecosystem, interoperability, and others with a common theme: increasing productivity, especially for newcomers to the language, writes Rust core team member Aaron Turon.

  • Chaos Engineering at Twilio

    The Twilio team describes their foray into Chaos Engineering where they use Gremlin to inject failures into their homegrown queuing system shards to test for automated recovery.