InfoQ Homepage News
IBM Release IBM Cloud Private, a Hybrid Cloud Computing Platform Using Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry
IBM has released IBM Cloud Private, a platform designed to enable companies to create on-premises cloud capabilities similar to public clouds, with the goal of accelerating "cloud native" application development and supporting modernisation of existing applications running on IBM technology such as WebSphere Liberty, Db2 and MQ.
Designing Event Sourced Microservices
Event sourced microservices is an area that hasn’t been explored nearly as much as it should be, Greg Young claimed at the recent Microservices Conference µCon London 2017, but he also strongly emphasized that you should not event source all your microservices. Instead, he recommends looking at individual services and applying the event sourcing pattern to services that actually benefit from it.
Facebook Overhauls ReasonML Syntax in Reason 3
Reason, Facebook’s attempt to bring OCaml safety and speed to JavaScript developers, reaches version 3, which introduces new syntax and many fixes.
Slack Desktop Migrated to BrowserView for 3.0
Slack has recently made version 3.0 available in their beta channel, with numerous performance improvements and bug fixes. At its core, most of the changes have revolved around migrating from the Electron component “webView” to “browserView”, a newer and more stable alternative. Charlie Hess, engineer at Slack, has published a blog outlining this journey.
Android Architecture Components 1.0: Lifecycle, LiveData, ViewModel and Room
Google has made available Android Architecture Components 1.0, a collection of libraries to design “robust, testable, and maintainable apps.” The current components are Lifecycle, LiveData, ViewModel and Room with others on the way.
Q&A with Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland about Scrum Guide Updates
The Scrum guide has been updated to better reflect what Scrum is and clear up misconceptions. Scrum can be used for building software products, and it can be applied to many other areas outside of software as well. Scrum is a framework based on empiricism for continuous improvement. Having a potentially shippable product increment at least every sprint or more often is a key element of Scrum.
Accelerating the Adoption of Java Microservices with Eclipse MicroProfile
InfoQ caught up with Emily Jiang from IBM to hear about the new Eclipse MicroProfile project and the new release, with extended fault tolerance and other new features.
New Version Scheme for Java SE Platform and the JDK
Released Java 9 also introduced a new versioning scheme. This scheme is based on JEP 223 and was intended for future releases of the Java platform itself. However, almost immediately after the release Mark Reinhold, Java’s chief architect, announced a brand new proposal for changing the version scheme again and adopting a strict, time-based release model.
Game Changers for Organizations
We want to approach strategy using choices, direction, and iterative experiments, establish a growth mindset in organizations, and work towards a common purpose or goal with leaders and teams sharing the same values, principles, and mindset; these are some of the game changers for organizations to become more innovative, deliver faster and better, and have happier and more engaged employees.
Tracks Announced for the Inaugural in 2018
Recently, the people behind QCon (InfoQ’s conference for senior developers, architects, and leaders in software) announced a new conference called
Google Data Loss Prevention API Offers New Ways to Manage Sensitive Data
Google has updated the beta version of its Data Loss Prevention (DLP) API, which is designed to help organizations better manage sensitive and personal identity data.
Monzo Outage Post Mortem
Monzo, the digital, mobile-only bank based in the UK, recently suffered outages in their current account payments and prepaid debit cards systems. Oliver Beattie, Monzo’s head of engineering, took on Monzo’s community forum to provide a post mortem of the outage. In this article, we describe their architecture, the root cause of the outage and the lessons learned from it.
Apache Kafka Reaches 1.0
The Apache Software Foundation has announced Apache Kafka 1.0, adding an improved Streams API, enhanced metrics, improved tolerance for disk failures, general bug fixes, and more.
Ethics, Values and Practices for Software Professionals
Christiaan Verwijs has recently written about the need for a Hippocratic oath for software practitioners. Robert C. Martin and other commentators have made similar calls in recent months. We examine news in this space and the principles which support a professional practice of software development.
Microsoft and AWS Collaborate on Machine Learning
Microsoft and AWS have recently announced a new collaboration aimed at democratizing deep learning and artificial intelligence. Gluon is a joint effort between Microsoft Research and Amazon AI and is intended to make developing solutions using machine learning easier and quicker.