InfoQ Homepage News
Microsoft and AWS Collaborate on Machine Learning
Microsoft and AWS have recently announced a new collaboration aimed at democratizing deep learning and artificial intelligence. Gluon is a joint effort between Microsoft Research and Amazon AI and is intended to make developing solutions using machine learning easier and quicker.
Azure SQL Intelligences Aims to Help DBAs and Developers
Microsoft seeks to make database management easier for users of its Azure SQL service and SQL Server through the addition of new features it calls Performance Management Intelligence. They are designed to provide easier database management for both DBAs and app developers.
Kotlin Use for Android Apps is Growing, Getting More Google Support
In the six months since Google announced official support for Kotlin as a first-class language for Android development, Kotlin usage has more than doubled, writes Google product manager James Lau, and more than 17% of Android Studio 3.0 projects now use Kotlin.
SQL Server in the Hybrid Cloud
The recent release of Microsoft SQL Server 2017 illustrates how the company is seeking to deliver their tools with an increasingly platform agnostic approach. This is evidenced by the adoption of the “hybrid cloud” terminology as well as the multi-platform nature of SQL Server 2017.
Angular 5 Comes with Faster Incremental Compilation
Google has pushed Angular 5 out, adding build optimizations, incremental compilation, and better support for internationalization, among others.
Cosmos DB - A Globally Distributed Database
Today at Day 2 of the PASS Summit, Microsoft group product manager for Cosmos DB Rimma Nehme was on hand to give the morning keynote about Azure Cosmos DB. Leading an informative, fast pace talk, Nehme covered Microsoft’s approach to designing and building Cosmos DB.
Catching up with C# 7.1 and C# 7.2
Back in August, C# 7.1 was quietly released along with Visual Studio 15.3, but it’s not quite ready. In this report we’ll look at a subtle compiler bug and what’s next in store for the soon to be released C# 7.2.
Bringing a DevOps Approach to Databases
Today at Day 1 of PASS Summit 2017, Redgate Evangelist Steve Jones presented his tips for taking a DevOps approach to database management. His approach includes tips that can benefit installations of all sizes.
Making Our Language and Behaviour More Inclusive
To avoid excluding people, we need to gain more awareness when we are in the wrong and be introspective to find out why someone is upset or offended by what we have said or done. By being excluded, people will eventually leave their jobs, communities or profession, which is something that we need to prevent. Peter Aitken suggested taking a positive approach when addressing inclusion issues.
TypeScript 2.6 Adds Strict Parameter Contravariance and More
Among new features in TypeScript 2.6 are a new flag to enforce strict parameter contravariance and improved tooling.
Microsoft's Approach to Modern Data
The PASS Summit 2017 is a conference for users of SQL Server and related Microsoft data technology. At Day 1 of the conference, Microsoft's Rohan Kumar was on hand to present the opening keynote.
Expanding Visual Studio's Cross-Compiler Support for ARM
Visual Studio has long possessed the ability to target the ARM-platform, as long as the platform is running Windows. In Visual Studio 2017 15.5 Preview 2, the IDE is expanding this support by adding the capability to target ARM based computers and IoT devices through the use of the GCC compiler.
Spring Tool Suite 3.9.1 Released
Pivotal recently released version 3.9.1 of its Spring Tool Suite (STS), the Eclipse-based IDE for developing applications in Spring Framework. STS has been updated to Eclipse Oxygen.1a, which includes support for JDK 9 and JUnit 5 out of the box.
Secure Microkernel seL4 Reaches Version 7
Version 7.0.0 of the seL4 high-assurance microkernel has been released, bringing with it an alternate CMake-based build system with support for out-of-tree builds and interactive configuration.
Microsoft Releases Preview of Azure Container Service (AKS), a New Managed Kubernetes Service
Microsoft has released a preview version of a new managed Kubernetes service, “Azure Container Service (AKS)”, which is a separate product from the existing ACS that offers support for multiple orchestrators Kubernetes, Mesos DC/OS and Docker Swarm.