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  • Amazon Adds Finer Granularity of Control to Their Voice Recognition API

    Amazon’s Alexa Voice Service API, the NLP (natural language processing) API that powers Amazon Echo, has a new update that allows for developers to use Alexa to turn any device into a “smart” device through the use of the API’s voice recognition features.

  • AWS re:Invent Recap

    At their annual re:Invent conference in Las Vegas, AWS unleashed a flurry of announcements about upcoming cloud services. Amazon outlined over two dozen new capabilities coming to the public cloud, including directly querying data in S3 object storage, building code as part of deployment pipelines, provisioning cheap virtual private servers, and moving data in bulk, ETL-style.

  • Amazon Launches Lightsail Virtual Private Servers

    Amazon has launched Lightsail, a Virtual Private Server (VPS) service to compete with companies like Digital Ocean, Linode and the multitude of Low End Box providers. The service bundles a basic Linux virtual machine with SSD storage and a bandwidth allowance. Pricing starts at $5/month with tiers by RAM allocation. Each larger configuration comes with more storage and bandwidth.

  • Amazon Releases 'AWS X-Ray' Distributed Tracing Service in Preview

    At the AWS re:Invent 2016 conference, held in Las Vegas, USA, a distributed tracing service named AWS X-Ray was released in preview within all 12 public AWS Regions. In a similar fashion to Google’s Dapper, Twitter’s Zipkin and the OpenTracing API, AWS X-Ray helps developers analyse and debug distributed applications, such as those built using a microservices architectural style.

  • Amazon Introduces AWS Batch Preview

    At the recent AWS Re:Invent event, Amazon announced a new preview service, called AWS Batch. AWS Batch allows organizations to optimize their scheduling and workload execution across a cloud-based landscape. Amazon has built this service in response to many AWS customers building their own batch platforms using EC2 instances, containers and CloudWatch.

  • Sharing Experiences from a Microservices Journey

    In our continued effort to showcase lessons learned by microservices practitioners, we look at an article Piotr Gankiewicz has recently written with his own tips and tricks. These include references to CQRS, asynchronous architectures, service discovery and how choosing the right database for each service is important.

  • Amazon Announces AWS Shield for DDoS Protection

    At the recent re:Invent 2016 event, Amazon announced a new service called AWS Shield, which provides customers with protection from Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. This announcement comes just over a month after Amazon was impacted by a DDoS attack on a DNS provider that Amazon used, Dynamic Network Services (Dyn).

  • Technologies for the Future of Software Engineering

    The Cloud, infrastructure as code, federated architectures with APIs, and anti-fragile systems: these are technologies for developing software systems that are rapidly coming into focus, claimed Mary Poppendieck. Systems are moving towards the cloud, and APIs are replacing central shared databases and enable the internet of things. We need to develop anti-fragile systems which embrace failure.

  • Git 2.11 Improves SHA-1 Name Handling, Performance and More

    Git 2.11 improves SHA-1 name handling, performance and more

  • RxJava 2.0 Released with Support for Reactive Streams Specification

    The RxJava team announced their 2.0 release after an 18 month development cycle. The project's "What's Different in 2.0" is a good guide for those developers familiar with RxJava 1.x. This release brings an important milestone. RxJava is a sub-project of ReactiveX, which is "a combination of the best ideas from the Observer pattern, the Iterator pattern, and functional programming".

  • Developer Panel Discusses Microservices, Containers and Serverless at Microsoft Connect

    A developer panel was held at Microsoft Connect() following the multiple annoucements of new features and releases. Microservices and containers are in the center of the discussion, along with Azure, serverless architecture and developer tooling.

  • GitHub New Organization Membership APIs Now in Preview

    GitHub has introduced new API endpoints to better manage organizations on its platform. A new Outside Collaborators API will enable remote administration of access privileges and user-management.

  • Early Adopter of HTTP/2, Speaks to InfoQ recently announced that they are adopting the HTTP/2 protocol. Gerald Gorman, tech entrepreneur, CEO, and co-founder of, spoke to InfoQ about their technology implementation, their position on microservices and lightweight containers, their unique search engine, and their use of social media.

  • .NET Core Tools Switch to MSBuild

    The release of .NET Core saw the debut of a new project system that differed from that used by Visual Studio. In the latest Core Tools preview, the project.json format is being replaced with the more common MSBuild format.

  • An Overview of Various Docker Registries

    Docker registries are collections of versioned repositories where users can upload and share Docker images. Apart from the well-known public repositories like Docker Hub, there also exist other lesser known repositories, some of them specialized, both offered as a service as well as deployable on-premises.