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InfoQ Homepage News

  • Apache Spark 2.0 Technical Preview

    Two years after the first release of Apache Spark, Databricks announced the technical preview of Apache Spark 2.0 , based on upstream branch 2.0.0-preview. The preview is not ready for production, neither in terms of stability nor API, but is a release intended to gather feedback from the community ahead of the general availability of the release.

  • Understanding the Science of Mobbing

    Llewellyn Falco gave a keynote on Mob Programming during the first Mob Programming Conference, called "Understanding the Science of Mobbing". He explored the differences between solo, pair and mob programming, why mobbing gives better outcomes: "It's not getting the most of the people but the best"

  • Microsoft Introduces Flow for Citizen Cloud Workflow

    On April 27, 2016 Microsoft announced a new personal workflow tool called Flow. The platform is an “IFTTT like” tool that focuses on the automation of personal tasks by orchestrating work across popular SaaS based services.

  • AWS Launches Massive X1 Instances Targeting High Memory Workloads

    AWS recently added a new instance type with nearly 2 terabytes of memory and 128 virtual CPUs. This is the largest virtual server available today in the public cloud, and is a target for memory-intensive workloads such as SAP HANA.

  • Log4j 2.6 Goes Garbage-Free

    Log4j, the popular logging library for Java, will include a number of configuration options that allows it to run in a completely garbage-free manner. The release follows previous attempts to improve the performance of logging libraries, and has been positively received by the industry. Further changes to increase the number of scenarios in which log4j can run garbage-free are expected.

  • Realm Reaches 1B Users, 100k Active Developers, and Launches Version 1.0

    Realm, the open-source, object-oriented database has launched version 1.0 for iOS and Android. Realm's technical team told InfoQ that among the noted changes in the mobile database's latest release are an improved query language with support for partial string matches, relationship traversal, multi-field sorting, and distinct matches.

  • Clojure.spec is a New Contract System for Clojure

    Clojure has a new core library, clojure.spec, that aims to provide a standard and integrated system for the specification and testing of data and functions. Besides making it possible to automatically validate Clojure code, the new specification system can be used for a number of tasks such as generative testing, error reporting, and destructuring.

  • NOLOCK is Broken in SQL Server 2014 SP1

    The NOLOCK directive was broken in Cumulative Update #6 for SQL Server 2014 SP1. As a result, databases that relied on that directive may experience unexpected blocking and/or deadlocks.

  • Twitter Releases Pants 1.0 Polyglot Build Tool

    Five years in the making, Twitter has released the milestone version 1.0.0 of their Pants build tool, offering multi language support and improved scalability.

  • Jibo Releases SDK Aiming to Bring Robotics into Homes

    IndieGogo startup Jibo has announced an SDK for developing applications, a.k.a. skills, for its “social robot” for the home, which will target entertainment, education, and IoT integration.

  • OSRAM Sylvania Opens Lightify REST API to Developers

    OSRAM Sylvania recently announced that it is now offering the developer community an open REST API for Lightify that developers can integrate into their own iOS and Android apps and web sites. Lightify is an Internet of Things (IoT) combination of hardware, the cloud, and your mobile device. Using OSRAM's free iOS and Android apps, you can control the light settings of your Lightify LED lights...

  • 10 Years Editorial Overview

    InfoQ has reached an important milestone this month: we have been creating and sharing content with you for 10 years now. All along the way we remained true to our initial mission: to deliver content that can effect change and innovation in the software-development community. We rely on a team of domain practitioners who have been covering the most important and innovative topics in the industry.

  • Q&A with Mark Stoodley, Architect of Eclipse OMR Toolkit for Creating Language Runtimes

    Mark Stoodley, Architect at IBM talks to Rags Srinivas about Eclipse OMR project, an open-source virtual machine toolkit to help create runtime environments for any language.

  • Technologies and Trends in Developing Complex Software Systems

    The Software-Centric Systems Conference explored new technologies, trends, and experiences in developing complex software systems. InfoQ spoke with Rob Howe and Martijn Rutten, two members of the program committee, about the main challenges that software development is facing, technology developments, driving innovation, and deploying agile to improve process reliability and deliver value.

  • Comparison of Event Sourcing with Stream Processing

    Event sourcing and CQRS are two patterns that has emerged in the Domain-Driven Design (DDD) community. Stream processing builds on similar ideas but has emerged in a different community, Martin Kleppmann noted in his presentation at the Domain-Driven Design Europe conference earlier this year comparing event sourcing with stream processing.