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  • AutoScout24’s Journey to Microservices: Christian Deger on Transformation, Principles and Technology

    At the Dublin Microservices User Group, Christian Deger presented “Highway to Heaven”, the AutoScout24 journey from deploying code into a monolithic application using a traditional IT development process, to utilising a microservice architecture with cross-functional teams. This technical and organisation transformation enabled the business to react more rapidly to changing market conditions.

  • Microsoft Azure On-Premises? Technical Preview of Azure Stack Released

    Last week, Microsoft delivered the first technical preview of Microsoft Azure Stack – a product that promises to let organizations run Azure services in their own data centers. This represents the third attempt by Microsoft to deliver a local Azure experience, but the first one that’s faithful to the public cloud experience and targeted at a mass audience.

  • How Testability Can Help Teams to Go Faster

    At the Agile Practitioners 2016 conference Huib Schoots talked about testability. He stated that low testability, anything that makes our software hard to test, slows teams down, and explored how testability can be increased.

  • How Airbnb Uses Net Promoter Score to Predict Guest Rebooking

    Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a customer loyalty metric used to determine the likelihood that a customer will return to a company's website or use their service again. Airbnb uses NPS extensively in measuring the customer loyalty, as a more effective measurement to determine the likelihood that a customer will return to book again or recommend the company to their friends.

  • Feature Toggles Revisited

    Proper implementation of feature toggles based on a categorisation of their longevity and dynamism helps dealing with their operational complexity according to Pete Hodgson, consultant at ThoughtWorks. In his post he expands Martin Fowler's FeatureToggle pattern and proposes Release, Ops, Experiment and Permission Toggle implementation strategies.

  • Google Kick-Starts Git Ketch: A Fault-Tolerant Git Management System

    Although development has only started, Google has announced their first commits of Git Ketch, a multi-master Git management system that replicates information across multiple Git servers for resilience and scalability. The changes are based on JGit, a Java-based Git server, although other Git servers may be part of the multi-master cluster.

  • BDD Tool SpecFlow V2 with Parallel Execution

    Version 2 of the Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) tool SpecFlow supports parallel test execution and adds support for xUnit 2.0 and NUnit 3.0. As well as an upgrade of all components to .Net 4.5 it’s also upgraded to the new Gherkin3 parser, now used across nearly all Cucumber tools.

  • Chris Lattner on Swift 3 and Cocoa "Renamification"

    In a recent post on the "swift-evolution" mailing list, Swift creator Chris Lattner outlined a few criteria that will guide Swift 3 definition and made clear that it will bring disruptive changes.

  • CQRS Example Using Axon Framework

    Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) separates the part that changes the state from the part that queries the state in an application. Axon is a Java framework implementing the building blocks of CQRS to help in when building CQRS applications, Dadepo Aderemi, writes in a series of blog post explaining CQRS by building a small demo application based on the Axon Framework.

  • Secrets Management with Chef-Vault

    Secret management is a difficult problem in a distributed and scalable environment. Chef-vault is a Chef tool built on top of encrypted data bags that eliminates the need to share the decryption key with all users and nodes of an infrastructure.

  • Amazon Announces AWS Region in Canada

    Following the recent news about its South Korea region reaching general availability, Amazon has announced its plans to enter the Canadian market in 2016.

  • Parse will Shut Down their Service

    Kevin Lacker, Parse Co-founder, announced that the Facebook-owned DBaaS platform will wind down its operation to be fully retired at the end of January 2017. This announcement gave rise to many complaints from developers, yet Facebook is trying to make the transition easy and several alternatives are available.

  • Ansible 2.0 Generally Available Shortly After Red Hat Acquisition

    Ansible Inc. has recently released Ansible v2.0. With this version the company makes a great refactoring effort while trying to maintain backwards compatibility with existing playbooks. The announcement includes improvements like handling exceptions in blocks, bringing new strategies when executing different tasks or improving connection with other services through modules.

  • OCaml Now Ready for iOS Development

    San Francisco-based programmer Edgar Aroutiounian has recently created a package for OCamliOS, an OCaml cross-compiler for iOS recently made available by Jeffrey A. Scofield that should eventually be merged into the official OCaml compiler. InfoQ has spoken with Aroutiounian.

  • Survey Indicates Rise in Container-based Stateful Applications

    A survey revealed that more than 75% of IT decision makers are interested in running stateful applications like databases inside containers.