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InfoQ Homepage News

  • A Tour of Agile Scaling Approaches

    At the Agile Tour Bangkok G John Okoro gave a tour of the various approaches to scaling agile that are in the marketplace today. He examined SAFe, LeSS & LeSS Huge, Scrum, the Spotify "model", Nexus and Scrum of Scrums, identifying the context they are designed for and some pros and cons of each approach.

  • Three Ways to Get Core Data Multithreading Right

    At #Pragma Conference 2015, Marcus Zarra, author of Pragmatic Bookshelf Core Data, described three approaches to using Core Data in a multithreaded environment and tried to clear up how Core Data should be used in 2015.

  • Scaling Stateful Services

    Caitie McCaffrey, distributed systems engineer at Twitter, talked about the benefits of stateful services which are less known than their stateless counterparts in the industry and how they can be scaled at the Strange Loop conference. The benefits include data locality and higher availability and stronger consistency models. McCaffrey also gave real world examples of stateful services.

  • Q&A with David Marquet on Applying Intent-based Leadership in Agile

    Software engineers can really do a tremendous service to themselves, their co-workers, and the world by stepping up and being a leader from the position they are in. Agile is essentially building a leader-leader model in software organizations says David Marquet. An interview about having leadership at all levels in the organization and applying the leader-leader model in agile.

  • Raspberry Pi Launches the Zero, a $5 Computer

    The Raspberry Pi foundation has launched their latest device, a five dollar computer smaller than a playing card. Based on the model A, it won't win speed records, but it is cheap enough to publish on the cover of a magazine. InfoQ investigates.

  • MongoDB Hits 3.2 and Becomes Enterprise Ready

    MongoDB recently announced the newest version of its NoSQL database synonymous product. Building upon the new features introduced in 3.0 release, 3.2 is expanding and solidifying MongoDB’s interest towards the corporate world.

  • Docker 1.9 Brings Improvements on Networking, Storage and Clustering

    Docker Inc. has presented Docker Engine 1.9 at DockerCon EU, which has taken place this month in Barcelona. This new release, which Docker announced at the beginning of the month, includes major changes on networking and volume management. Docker Swarm is ready for production and several improvements were made in Docker Compose, Docker Toolbox and Docker Registry.

  • Replaces PHP with JavaScript has replaced PHP with web technologies and a RESTful back-end API for the administration console.

  • Microsoft Bumps Edge Rendering Engine to EdgeHTML 13

    The roll out of the first major update to Windows 10 includes the latest rendering engine for Microsoft's Edge browser. EdgeHTML 13 includes a number of HTML5 and CSS features and is a good sign that Microsoft can continually update their newest browser.

  • Apache Maven JDeps Plugin 3.0.0 Released

    A new maven plugin that uses the jdeps utility to find uses of JDK Internal APIs has been released. When activated, the plugin will force a failure if the code uses any internal API. Internal APIs will be unaccessible as of Java 9, therefore this plugin helps developers adapt their code to the next version of Java. Despite being labeled as 3.0.0, this is the first release of the plugin.

  • Brian Kernighan on Successful Language Design

    What makes language design successful? This is the question that Brian Kernighan, among the contributors to the development of Unix and father of Awk, tries to answer in a talk at the University of Nottingham.

  • Android Studio 2.0 Introduces Hot Code Swapping

    Android Studio 2.0 has hit the canary channel, and the focus of the improvements in this release is to make the development as streamlined as possible, including hot code swapping, faster builds, faster emulator, GPU Profiler and Debugger, and running multiple types of tests in the same time.

  • Microsoft Azure Scale Sets in Public Preview

    In a recent blog post, Mark Russinovich, cto of Microsoft Azure, announced a public preview feature called Azure Scale Sets. Azure Scale Sets are an Azure Compute resource which allow you to deploy and manage a group of virtual machines (VMs) as a collective group, or set.

  • Google Launches Cloud Datalab Beta

    At the recent Google Cloud Platform Next experience event in Paris, Google announced a beta data visualization service called Cloud Datalab. Cloud Datalab allows developers to explore and analyze their data through an interactive web-browser experience.

  • Stop Being Lazy, and Test Your Software (with the Help of Docker)

    At DockerCon EU 2015, Laura Frank presented “Stop Being Lazy, and Test Your Software”. Frank proposed that testing software is necessary, no matter the size or status of your company, and introducing Docker to the development workflow can assist with writing and running testing frameworks more efficiently, and ultimately facilitate the delivery of high quality software products to customers.