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InfoQ Homepage News

  • InfoQ Readership Survey 2015

    InfoQ wants to find out the technological preferences of our readers in order to provide content more aligned with our readers’ interest.

  • Agile with Internal Coaches and Facilitators

    An interview with Andreas Schliep and Peter Beck about why internal coaches and facilitators are important when organizations want to increase their agile maturity, advantages and disadvantages of working with external coaches, how internal coaches contribute to agile adoption, what internal coaches and facilitators can do to be ready to work effectively, and qualification of internal coaches.

  • Rebuild or Refactor?

    Should you rebuilding or refactoring software?An interview with Wouter Lagerweij about what it is that makes refactoring so difficult, if rebuilding software is less risky than refactoring, and how continuous delivery fits with rebuilding software.

  • JavaOne 2015 Keynotes (Part 1)

    In celebration of Java’s 20th anniversary, the JavaOne 2015 central theme this year was ’20 years of Java’. The keynotes this year were largely focused on Java 9 and beyond. We cover these keynotes in two parts. This first part focuses on Java 9 and its flagship Project Jigsaw.

  • Microsoft CodePush Aims to Enable Instant Updates for Cordova and React Native Apps

    Cordova and React Native developers will be able to deploy mobile apps updates directly to their iOS and Android devices thanks to CodePush, Microsoft say. CodePush includes a cloud service and an SDK to make it possible to update JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and image resources so apps can retrieve their latest versions. Compiled code, though, cannot be updated on the fly.

  • Microsoft Releases ASP.NET WebHooks Preview

    Microsoft recently released ASP.NET WebHooks preview, a library to create and consume webhooks. WebHooks supports MVC 5 and WebApi 2.

  • Product Development in an Unruly Mob: Alex Wilson and Benji Weber Q&A

    At the fifth ‘Agile on the Beach’ conference, held in Cornwall, UK, InfoQ sat down with Alex Wilson and Benji Weber from Unruly. Wilson and Weber presented a session at the conference entitled 'Product Development in an Unruly Mob', and discussed how mob programming has helped Unruly get the best from the software delivery team.

  • How Testing Changed When Moving from Waterfall to Agile and DevOps

    An interview with Laurent Py about why decided to transition to agile and DevOps and the benefits that they are getting from that, the "testing swing", how you can measure behavior change to find out if a feature is valuable, on the strategy and approach for test automation and what he expects that the future will bring us in testing.

  • Jelastic Joker 4.0 released with Advanced Docker Features

    Jelastic, a PaaS and container based IaaS provider, released Joker (Jelastic + Docker) 4.0 with advanced Docker features including horizontal scaling for containers, support for stateful containers with live migration and Docker volumes. The company has made improvements to Docker’s core technology to achieve the features in the Joker release.

  • Motivation and Drive in Agile Teams

    Fin Kingma talked about motivation and how the success of agile relies on driven people at the Agile Testing Days 2015.

  • Q&A with David Anderson on Enterprise Services Planning

    Enterprise Services Planning is a way of planning, scheduling, sequencing, and selecting work for professional services. It extends Kanban for enterprise-wide service improvement. InfoQ interviewed Anderson about what Enterprise Services Planning (ESP) aims to deliver, how it can be used to manage risks, how cost of delay can be used inside ESP, and why feedback loops are important in ESP.

  • Microsoft Announces Azure Premium Messaging Preview

    In early September, Microsoft announced a premium tier preview to its messaging offering known as Azure Service Bus Premium Messaging. The premium service includes existing cloud based messaging capabilities, such as Queues and Topics, but delivers them over dedicated infrastructure in order to provide a consistent experience for customers.

  • Dropbox API v2 Launched for Swift, Python, .NET, and Java

    Dropbox has announced its API v2, which supports four SDKs: Swift, Python, .NET, and Java, is generally available to developers. According to Dropbox, Dropbox API v2 is “simpler, more consistent, and more comprehensive”. Currently, API v2 does not support JavaScript and Objective-C.

  • RiotJS Takes Big Step Forward with 2.3 Release

    The Riot.js core team has released version 2.3, describing it as "a big step forward" for the React-like micro-library. The major 2.3 release organises the code base into six different modules: compiler, tmpl, observable, route, core and cli, meaning that if developers want to use just a part of the framework like the riot-route or the riot-observable they can do it without using riot at all.

  • Twistlock Announce General Availability of Container Security Suite

    Twistlock have announced the general availability of their Container Security Suite, along with a partnership with Google Cloud Platform that integrates Twistlock into Google Container Engine (GKE). The suite consists of a console to define policy, a registry scanner and a ‘Defender’that runs as a privileged container on each host.