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  • Couchbase 4.0 Supports Multi-dimensional Scaling, Geospatial Indexes and New Query Language N1QL

    Latest version of Document NoSQL database Couchbase supports multi-dimensional scaling, geospatial indexes and new query language called N1QL. Couchbase team announced earlier this month the general availability of Couchbase Server 4.0 version which also supports new filtering capabilities on Cross Datacenter Replication (XDCR) and enhanced security.

  • QCon London 2016 Tracks Announced and Registrations off to a fast start!

    New this year to QCon London is an extra concurrent track (each day) for 2016. That means three new tracks to bring the total track (or conference themes) number up to 18. More tracks means more content to pick from. Here are QCon London’s 2016 tracks.

  • Twitter Announces Fastlane as Part of Fabric for Mobile Continuous Deployment

    At Flight 2015, its developer conference, Twitter announced that fastlane, has been included into Fabric, Twitter’s mobile development platform. As part of this announcement, Twitter is also making Fastlane, originally developed by Felix Krause for iOS, available for Android.

  • Measuring in Agile Teams

    At the Agile Tour London 2015 Doug Talbot gave a talk titled "Do you know how fast you're going?". InfoQ interviewed him about difficulties with estimation and planning, the measurements that agile teams use, objectively measuring productivity, his view on the #NoEstimates movement, and asked him for ideas that can help teams to make measurement more meaningfully.

  • What is API Developer Experience and Why It Matters

    API developer experience is a relatively novel focus aimed to improve API design so it provides a seamless experience to developers when writing software. It can help increase programmers’ efficience and make it easier for developers to achieve goals on behalf of end users.

  • JavaOne 2015 Preview

    In preparation for JavaOne 2015, InfoQ held a Q&A session with a number of speakers at this year's conference that caught our eye.

  • Internet Security, TLS, and HTTP/2: A Q&A with ThoughtWorks’ Vuksanovic and Gibson

    InfoQ recently sat down with Marko Vuksanovic and Sam Gibson from ThoughtWorks, and asked about their recent study of TLS/HTTPS and HTTP/2 that was published in the ThoughtWorks P2 magazine. Both Vuksanovic and Gibson shared their expertise on a range of security-focused topics, including ubiquitous computing, the workings of TLS/HTTPS, certificate trust, and the security implications of HTTP/2.

  • Amazon EC2 Container Service Updates Released, Focusing on Automation, Configuration & Availability

    Amazon Web Services have released a series of updates for the Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) that include an ECS command line interface, Docker Compose support, task definitions that allow additional Docker configuration options, and an ECS scheduler update that adds support for availability zone awareness.

  • Google Container Engine Generally Available

    Google Cloud has recently announced in its blog that Google Container Engine (GKE) is Generally Available. Google considers it ready for production use and backs it with a 99.5 percent uptime SLA. It is built on the open source Kubernetes and runs on the Google Cloud Platform, managed by Google engineers.

  • Interview with Runscope on API Testing and Monitoring

    Runscope, an API monitoring and testing vendor, announced the general availability of Live Traffic Alerts, a real time API performance monitoring solution for live production traffic for key API transactions. InfoQ used this opportunity to speak to Runscope about their vision and the value their platform brings to its consumers.

  • Cambridge Study Analyzes State of Android Security

    Researchers at the University of Cambridge have carried through an extensive research to assess security across Android devices, Android versions, and years. Their findings show 87% of Android devices to be vulnerable on average over the last four years. InfoQ has spoken with Daniel Thomas, lead author of the study.

  • Role of Autonomy in Agility

    Autonomy is one of the core guiding principles at Spotify. It enables employees to make decisions as close to the works that is being done as possible. At the Agile Greece Summit 2015 Kristian Lindwall and Cliff Hazell from Spotify explained why autonomy is at the heart of agility.

  • F# Past and Future Discussed at F# Gotham

    On October 17th, F# Gotham gathered experts who presented different aspects of the language and tooling such as asynchronous programming, computation expressions, optimization, FParsec and Xamarin.Forms. The presentation of David Stephens and Jay Schmelzer, both from Microsoft, focused less on the technical aspect and more on the bigger picture. They presented the past, present and future of F#.

  • Docker Acquires Tutum

    Docker Inc have announced their acquisition of Tutum, ‘The Docker Platform for Dev and Ops’ that allows users to ‘Build, deploy, and manage your apps across any cloud’. The rationale for the deal is to complement Docker Hub, which takes care of ‘build’ and ‘ship’, with Tutum as the platform for ‘run’.

  • Microsoft AzureCon Keynote Announcements

    On Thursday, October 1st Microsoft made several announcements regarding their Azure Platform. These announcement include 3 new Azure regions in India, GPU support, Security Center, IoT Suite and Container Service.