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InfoQ Homepage News

  • Splunk for DBAs

    The DBA’s primary job is to ensure that the business’s information is always available, with performance coming in at close second. We’ve already talked about optimizing distributed queries in Splunk and map-reduce queries in Hunk. In this report we expand upon that with more information that a DBA needs to know about Splunk databases.

  • Nginx Announces nginScript, a JavaScript-based Configuration Language

    At this year's nginx.conf, Nginx has announced a preview of nginScript, a JavaScript-based server configuration language. Meant to accompany existing scripting offerings like Lua, nginScript will give technologists with experience in JavaScript a lower barrier to entry to create more advanced configuration and delivery options.

  • Scaled Scrum at Swiss Postal Services

    Swiss Postal Services has used scaled Scrum with seven teams to replace a legacy system. InfoQ interviewed Ralph Jocham about how they scaled Scrum and dealt with legacy issues, using a definition of done, how they managed to deliver their system three months earlier than planned, and the main learnings from the project.

  • Puppet Enterprise 2015.2: An Interview With Michael Olson

    Puppet Labs’ latest version of Puppet Enterprise - version 2015.2 - includes new features like node graph visualization, inventory filtering, and a VMware vSphere module. It provides users with major enhancements of the Puppet Language and an updated web UI. InfoQ spoke with Michael Olson, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Puppet Labs .

  • Optimizing Distributed Queries in Splunk

    Optimizing queries in Splunk’s Search Processing Language is similar to optimizing queries in SQL. The two core tenants are the same: Change the physics and reduce the amount of work done. Added to that are two precepts that apply to any distributed query.

  • Big Data Architecture: Push, Pull, or Search in Place?

    A surprisingly common theme at the Splunk Conference is the architectural question, “Should I push, pull, or search in place?”

  • Architecture, Tuning, and Troubleshooting a Splunk Indexer Cluster

    If you could handle all of the data you need to work with on one machine, then there is no reason to use big data techniques. So clustering is pretty much assumed for any installation larger than a basic proof of concept. In Splunk Enterprise, the most common type of cluster you’ll be dealing with is the Indexer Cluster.

  • Groovy and Grails Plans Announced at SpringOne2GX

    During the second technical keynote at SpringOne2GX last week Guillaume Laforge talked about plans for Groovy 2.4.x and 2.5. Perhaps the most significant is improved compiler performance with a new Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) class reader in place of using class loading tricks.

  • C++ Core Guidelines will Help Writing Good Modern C++

    As announced at CppCon, Bjarne Stroustrup and Herb Sutter have started working on a set of guidelines for modern C++. The goal of this effort is improving how developers use the language and help ensuring they write code that is type safe, has no resource leaks, and is as much as possible free of programming logic errors.

  • Hunk/Hadoop: Performance Best Practices

    When working with Hadoop, with or without Hunk, there are a number of ways you can accidentally kill performance. While some of the fixes require more hardware, sometimes the problems can be solved simply by changing the way you name your files.

  • Introducing Splunk IT Service Intelligence

    Splunk is jumping into the service-monitoring sector with a new visualization called IT Service Intelligence.

  • Using Hunk+Hadoop as a Backend for Splunk

    Splunk can now store archived indexes on Hadoop. At the cost of performance, this offers a 75% reduction in storage costs without losing the ability to search the data. And with the new adapters, Hadoop tools such as Hive and Pig can process the Splunk-formatted data.

  • Splunk .conf 2015 Keynote

    Splunk opened their big data conference with an emphasis on “making machine data accessible, usable, and valuable to everyone”. This is a shift from their original focus: indexing arbitrary big data sources. Reasonably happy with their ability to process data, they want to ensure that developers, IT staff, and normal people have a way to actually use all of the data their company is collecting.

  • Rust 1.3 Brings Stabilisation for APIs

    The Rust core team has released 1.3 stable, bringing with it API stabilisation and further work on performance. The team says the language has seen with this release a large amount of stabilisation "including the new Duration API and enhancements to Error and Hash/Hasher," and that further growth of the std::time module is expected "in the 1.5 timeframe."

  • Theories for Modern Engineering Teams

    After a 5-year stint, Kellan Elliott-McCrea, left Etsy. Elliott-McCrea was Etsy's CTO for the past 4 years and VP of Engineering before that. During those five years both the software product and the engineering team underwent radical changes. In the article announcing his departure, Elliott-McCrea expounds five theories that guided him through those changes.