InfoQ Homepage News
Clojure 1.7 Introduces Transducers, Improves Cross-platform Support
Transducers and reader conditionals are the two most important new features in Clojure 1.7, says Cognitect’s Alex Miller. Transducers aim to enable composable algorithmic transformations on different kinds of collections, while reader conditionals can be used to improve Clojure portability across the JVM and JavaScript platforms.
Implementing Design Thinking Approach Using Various Tools.
This post covers the usage and importance of design thinking approach using various tools. It also gives an overview of using Lego Serious Play for design thinking.
A Critical Look at CQRS
Looking at Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) in a larger architectural context there are other architectural styles available. There are database technologies solving the same problems but in a simpler way, Udi Dahan states looking into ways of approaching CQRS. There is also a way that fulfils a lot of the CQRS goals but with fewer moving parts when CQRS is really needed.
Data Quality at Prezi
For an organization to be data-driven, it's not enough to just dump mountains of data. That data needs to be accurate and meaningful. Julianna Göbölös-Szabó, data engineer at Prezi shared how they improved the quality of its log data. Their solution involved moving from unstructured to structured data with a lightweight, contract-based approach to nudge all teams in the right direction.
Kubernetes Codebase Tagged v1.0.0. in Preparation for Public Release
The codebase for Google’s Kubernetes open source orchestration system for Docker containers has been tagged v1.0.0 ready for the initial ‘general availability’ public release of the platform at OSCON next week on 21st July.
Team Explorer 2015 Joins RC2 for Team Foundation Server
Team Explorer 2015 is available now, joining the latest preview of Team Foundation Server 2015. With Visual Studio 2015 being released on July 20, this gives time for developers to prepare and check the environments for compatibility issues.
ELIoT: Distributed Programming for the Internet of Things
ELIoT (Extensible Language for the Internet of Things) is a simple and small programming language aiming to make distributed programming easier. A program in ELIoT may appear as a sigle program, but it actually runs on different computers, so, e.g., a variable or function declared on one computer is transparently used on another.
Software – Is it "Engineering" Yet?
At the GOTO Amsterdam 2015 conference Mary Shaw talked about progress towards an engineering discipline of software. She explored what it means to have an engineering discipline, how far we have progressed toward having one for software, and what can be the next steps.
jQuery 3.0 Alpha Announced, Developers Need to Test
jQuery 3.0 alpha has been announced with plenty of breaking changes. The team wants to get feedback from the community over some of the proposed changes and developers need to test the updated library against their existing code.
Mesosphere Releases SDK for Mesos-Powered 'Datacenter Operating System'
Mesosphere Inc, have released the Mesosphere software development kit (SDK) for creating datacenter services that will run on their Mesos-powered Datacenter Operating System (DCOS). The Mesosphere blog states that the SDK currently supports Java, Go and Python.
Python 3.5 Promises New Syntax Features
The Python Software Foundation has announced new features expected in Python 3.5. Core developer Benjamin Petersen details new syntax features, new library modules, new built-in features and significantly improved library features.
Facebook Folly Brings Robust, Powerful Futures to C++11
Facebook has recently introduced Folly Futures, a C++11 library providing an implementation of futures that goes beyond what already offered by std::future.
Visual Studio Code 0.5 Adds ECMAScript 6 and Better Git Tools
Microsoft's multiplatform code-first editor, VS Code, has just made its July release. It features support for ECMAScript 6, improved Git support, and various editor enhancements for multi-file projects. VS Code is available for Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows.
10 Common DDD Mistakes to Avoid
Not interacting with domain experts is one of a common set of mistakes done when using Domain-Driven Design (DDD), finding and correcting them early on may save a team time, Daniel Whittaker claims describing ten mistakes he regularly see developers do.
Oracle Confirms G1 as Default Garbage Collector for Java 9
As previously mentioned on InfoQ, Oracle had proposed JEP 248, about making G1 the default garbage collector, to be included in the list of JEPs targeting Java 9; recently, Oracle has confirmed such decision and made it official. The decision triggered a lengthy debate in the HotSpot’s email discussion list, which concluded with a provision to defer the change if G1 proves not to be fully ready.