InfoQ Homepage News
True Windows File System Access with AlphaFS 2.0
A major limitation of the .NET framework is its inability to truly work with the Windows file system. Even seemingly basic operations such as working file paths longer than 260 characters long is beyond the capabilities of System.IO. This is where AlphaFS comes into play.
How To Build Trust When Working With Remote Teams
Lisette Sutherland has been doing interviews with people that are working in or managing remote teams. She talked about building trust on remote teams at the No Pants Festival 2015.
Paho, Mosquitto and Security of MQTT
Ian Craggs presented about Paho, Mosquitto and MQTT/MQTT-SN at EclipseCon. InfoQ caught up with him and asked him what's happening in the MQTT space.
Codecity for Eclipse Visualises Source Code Metrics
Codetrails has released Codecity for Eclipse, which provides a visualisation of Java packages and classes in a 3D visualisation to identify where code can be improved. InfoQ evaluates the plug-in.
Mark Reinhold on Java 9 and Beyond
Today at EclipseCon, Mark Reinhold gave a keynote on "Java 9 and Beyond" which looked at the upcoming features in Java 9 and some of the future plans for the Java ecosystem. InfoQ summarises the main parts of what will and might happen in the future.
OData.NET Is Now Open Sourced on GitHub
Microsoft has released the source code for all OData .NET Libraries on GitHub.
Using Sociocracy for Decision Making and Learning in Agile
Organization that are adopting agile often look for ways to establish self-organized teams where team members are able to take more responsibility. Agile software development teams could improve their decision making by using the consent principle and sociocratic procedures. Sociocratic governance structures can also be used to scale up agile principles to every level of the organization.
Eclipse Xtext 2.8 released at EclipseCon
Today at EclipseCon, the foundation released Xtext 2.8, bringing new tools for migrating existing Java codebases into Xtend applications and laying down a roadmap for the future.
Zero Turnaround releases Eclipse Optimizer
Zero Turnaround has released Eclipse Optimizer, which provides a guided user interface for changing Eclipse JVM settings to optimize performance for Eclipse
Apple Open-sources Mobile Framework to Support Medical Research
At its Spring Forward keynote, Apple announced a new iOS ResearchKit framework aimed at enabling the use of mobile devices as a network of sensors for medical research. The framework will be open-sourced to developers next month.
Various Aspects of Definition of "Done"
This post talks about the definition of "done" at various levels: story, sprint, release, etc. Daniel Gullo shares his experience on using definition of "done".
Potential of Social Capital in Organizations
“After 100 years of building organizations and 50 years of HRM, the future of work now lies in mastering the art of engaging and developing social capital of our organizations” says Bart Cambré, Director of Research at Antwerp Management School. At the No Pants Festival 2015 he talked about unleashing the full potential of social capital in organizations.
Groovy Moving to Apache
The Groovy team is joining the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Guillaume Laforge, Groovy project lead, wrote about why they chose ASF over the Eclipse Foundation or the Software Conservancy foundation. To learn more about this announcement, InfoQ spoke to Mr. Laforge about the new direction.
Google Proposes StrongMode and SoundScript, Boosting V8 Performance
Google's Chrome team has proposed two extensions to JavaScript in a move to boost the performance of their V8 JavaScript Engine. StrongMode will limit the JavaScript language to only allow parts with guaranteed performance. SoundScript will add user-facing types to JavaScript, not at compile-time, but at run-time in the browser.
AutoMapper and Working with Cross-Platform Assemblies
With the creation of CoreCLR and the increasing popularity of Xamarin, it is becoming more and more important that .NET libraries are offered in a cross-platform fashion. Sometimes one can get away with using the PCL format, but more often than, cross-platform really means multiple platform builds. Jimmy Bogard of AutoMapper fame ran into just this problem with AutoMapper.