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InfoQ Homepage News Marathon 1.0: Automating Swing UI Testing with Jython

Marathon 1.0: Automating Swing UI Testing with Jython

Marathon, a GUI testing tool that has languished at a .9 release for two years is back with a new 1.0 release. Jalian Systems has picked up the Marathon project and is working to build a product on top of it. Marathon, focused on end-user testing, allows you to record a sequence of actions in a Swing UI and save them as a testcase.

Jalian Systems has picked up the Marathon project, with messages appearing on the mailing list in August of a .91 release. In addition to moving the project forward, they are in development of an integrated testing environment built on top of Marathon, currently named Marathonite. While Marathonite will be a commercial product, Marathon remains licensed under the LGPL.  Marathonite is slated for a release in the first quarter of 2007. It will add features such as workspaces, applet and webstart support, data-driven test cases using CSV files, and requirement tracking.

Marathon records testcases in Jython. Testcases can inspect all parts of the application during runtime. New features in 1.0 include:

  • a fresh update to the UI (now using JGoodies Looks)
  • preferences dialog
  • relative path support in projects
  • Ignore Components option to not record clicks on components such as scrollbars or toolbars

Marathon UI

Jalian is looking for feedback on Marathon and Marathonite. Specifically, what are the key features that are still needed in Marathon, and what else do they need in Marathonite to support a commercial product.