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InfoQ Homepage News InfoQ Article: From Java to Ruby - Risk

InfoQ Article: From Java to Ruby - Risk

"Ruby is risky" is a common perception. As Ruby on Rails moves closer to the mainstream, that risk will decrease. In this InfoQ article, Bruce Tate examines the changing risk profiles for Java and Ruby from a managers perspective, examining Java's initial adoption and comparing it to risks for Ruby.  Bruce looks at real risks with Ruby that he has experienced, and then also debunks a number of common risk myths about Rails.

Read From Java to Ruby: Risk.

Some of the common myths Bruce examines:
  • Rails is a silver bullet.
  • Choosing Ruby is too risky, because you could guess wrong.
  • It's always easier to staff a Java project.
  • Rails cannot scale
  • Rails integration options are too limited.
So Ruby's risks are often overstated when you consider the whole picture, especially if Java is not giving you everything you need. The best way to put these risks into perspective is often to try Ruby for yourself. Use Rails to build something nontrivial, and make a call based on what you find. Don't buy into the myths.
See also the first article in this series: From Java to Ruby: Strategies for Pilots.

Editors note: This article has not been tagged for the Java community because Java developers interested in Ruby would have left the Ruby community turned on and would thus be able to see this article.  We assume that those who turned Ruby off don't want to hear about Ruby,  so we respect their personalization preferences.