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Mary-Lynn Manns on Fearless Change
Mary-Lynn discusses how Fearless Change presented patterns focused on the evangelist and the introduction of new change ideas into an organization. She goes on to note how the sequel, tentatively titled More Fearless Change, adds patterns that focus on gaining the necessary emotional and personal commitment to making change happen. She also talks about Agile and its adoption.
Rebecca Mercuri on Computer Forensics
In this interview, Dr. Mercuri defines computer forensics, then discusses how forensics apply to criminal, civil, and intellectual property law. She addressed the challenges that technological advances, (e.g. RAID, cell phones, GPS devices, and Cloud Computing) increase the challenges faced by the forensic computer scientist. She also discusses appropriate actions if you suspect security issues.
Doug Lea Discusses the Fork/Join Framework
Doug Lea talks to InfoQ about the evolution of the Fork/Join Framework, the new features planned for java.util.concurrent in Java 7, and the "Extra 166" package. The interview goes on to explore some of the hardware and language changes that are impacting concurrent programming, and the effect the increasing prevalence of alternative languages in the JVM are having on library design.
Brian Foote and Dave West Discuss Craftsmanship
Brian and dave discuss what it might mean to be a true craftsman and why the idea of craft has become so popular of late. Other issues discussed include the question of why craft seems to be focused almost exclusively on programming and why everyone does not aspire to be a craftsman? Programming as performance art, programs as literary artifacts, and code "habitability" round out the discussion.
Guy Steele Interviews John McCarthy, Father of Lisp
In this phone interview that took place in front of an audience at OOPSLA 2008, Guy Steele spins a yarn with John McCarthy, the father of Lisp, attempting to find out some details surrounding the language inception in the 50’ and its later evolution.
Guy Steele on Programming Languages
Sun Fellow Guy Steele is interviewed by Floyd Marinescu, co-founder of InfoQ, and Bobby Norton of ThoughtWorks. Guy works for the Programming Language Research Group. The interview focuses on programming languages, the lessons to be learned from the past and what to expect from the future.
Markus Voelter about Software Architecture Documentation
During OOPSLA 2007, InfoQ interviewed Markus Voelter asking him about creating software architecture documentation. Many people mention UML when they are asked about software design documentation, but Markus has a different take on that. He thinks that we should be using models which can be processed with tools which can validate or invalidate them.
Smalltalk Dave about Programming Languages, SOA, MDA and the Web
In an interview at OOPSLA, Dave Thomas talks about the reasons for the rise of Java, what's behind Web 2.0, MDA and SOA, the rise of dynamic languages and the opportunities that he sees in the web as a platform.
Michael Stal on Architecture Refactoring
In this interview from OOPSLA 2007, Michael Stal talks about architecture refactoring. He describes what architecture refactoring is, its relationship to code refactoring and patterns, and he gives real world examples of how architecture refactorings have been done and when not to do it.
Kent Beck on Implementation Patterns
Kent Beck is interviewed at OOPSLA 2007 about his new book, "Implementation patterns", the relationship between these patterns and XP, problems when adopting agile and the current status of design patterns.