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Book Review: Implementation Patterns
Kent Beck's new book, Implementation Patterns, is a book about writing code in Java. The patterns in this book are based on Kent's reading of existing code as well as his own programming habits. The patterns in this book are meant to be a coherent view of how to write code people can understand that serves human as well as economic needs.
Bridging the gap between BI & SOA
Business intelligence (BI) and service-oriented architecture (SOA) have conflicting principles and needs. SOA promotes hiding the data inside the services while BI needs that very data if we want to get meaningful predictions and alerts. This article will show you how you can combine SOA with EDA to solve the BI/SOA conflict and maybe even enhance your SOA.
Service Firewall Pattern
How can you protect a service against detect malicious incoming messages and prevent information disclosure on outgoing messages? In this sample chapter from Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz' in-progress book SOA Patterns, Arnon explains how to use a Service Firewall to intercept incoming and outgoing messages and inspect them in a dedicated software component or hardware.
Service Oriented Architecture Governance: The Basics
In this article, MomentumSI's Ed Vazquez explains the basics of SOA governance, with an explicit focus on the need for a holistic SOA governance model, shared governance principles and the difference between (and the need for both) tactical and strategic efforts.
Case Study: Targeted Practice Adoption using Patterns
It's easy to forget what originally motivated us, once we're implementing Agile. Teams spin, trying to figure out which practices to start with, unsure which will have the biggest impact, or how they fit together. Amr Elssamadisy and John Mufarrige propose a customized adoption approach to help teams decide where to focus first - an alternative to adoption of pre-packaged methodologies.
A Hard Look at the Organizational Implications of BPM
This article examines the conceptual BPM project from the following perspectives: what is involved to deliver the project, what are its enablers and what are its total costs of ownership (TCO). Before investments are made in reengineering processes and deploying BPM solutions, businesses need to commit to making the organizational changes necessary to allow realization of any lasting value.
Incorporating Enterprise Data into SOA
The majority of today's SOA design techniques are centered around definition of services. They use service-oriented decomposition, based on the business processes, enterprise business/functional model, required long term architectural goals and reuse of the existing enterprise functionality. This article takes a more data centric approach...
Spring.NET - QnA
InfoQ had a chance to sit down with Aleksandar Seovic and Mark Pollack the co-creaters of Spring.NET. Spring.NET is an application framework that brings AOP, a Dependency Injection container and data access framework to .NET. It is not a complete port of Spring to .NET yet it preserves the tenets of Spring.
Adopting Agile Development Practices: Using Patterns to Share our Experiences
Agile adoption often proves challenging. Participants at a recent OpenSpace event focused on the dynamics of adoption rather than the structure that results from adoption. The resulting patterns are part of an effort to compile Agile adoption patterns answering: "What specific practices should I adopt?", "How can I adopt incrementally?" and "Where can I expect pitfalls?"
Do Agile Practices Make it an Agile Project?
Use of Agile methodologies is growing, but this comes with its own challenges: including the possibility of dilution as teams copy practices rather than growing them, implementing them without understanding. Perhaps it's time to talk about how failure to teach the basics puts much at risk: the integrity and engagement of team members, and the trust of their customers.
Why Would a .NET Programmer Learn Ruby on Rails?
.NET developer Stephen Chu gives us some insight into his transition to Ruby on Rails programming. Quote: "By being loyal to one technology stack, I am bound to unconsciously make biased decisions, which will ultimately hinder my ability to deliver business value."
SOA anti-patterns
SOA Expert Steve Jones from CapGemini provides a hands on look at SOA Antipatterns and a list of ways your SOA project can go wrong. This list includes signs that these problems are cropping up as well as what to do when you see them happening.