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InfoQ Homepage Patterns Content on InfoQ

  • Greg Young Discusses State Transitions in Domain-Driven Design and DDD Best Practices

    In this interview, Greg Young talks about managing state transitions in a Domain-Driven Design project using two separate models, one for reading data from datastore and the other for write-only command operations. He also discussed Command Query Separation to keep the design cleaner and easier to test and maintain and the best practices that developers can use when working on DDD projects.

    Greg Young Discusses State Transitions in Domain-Driven Design and DDD Best Practices
  • Ian Robinson discusses REST, WS-* and Implementing an SOA

    In this interview from QCon San Francisco 2008, Ian Robinson discusses REST vs. WS-*, REST contracts, WADL, how to approach company-wide SOA initiatives, how an SOA changes a company, SOA and Agile, tool support for REST, reuse and foreseeing client needs, versioning and the future of REST-based services in enterprise SOA development.

    Ian Robinson discusses REST, WS-* and Implementing an SOA
  • Pressure and Performance – The CTO's Dilemma

    In this interview made by Deborah Hartmann during Agile 2008, Diana Larsen and Jim Shore talk about patterns observed in CTOs' activity. CTOs emerge as real people caring for other people in their organization, and are put under a lot of pressure and constraints.

    Pressure and Performance – The CTO's Dilemma
  • Erich Gamma Discusses Jazz, Eclipse, JUnit and Design Patterns

    In this interview from QCon London 2008, Erich Gamma discusses the Jazz project, why Eclipse has been successful, the strict Eclipse release schedule, JUnit, Design Patterns, how to identify a design pattern, design patterns and the 'Don't Repeat Yourself' principle, the design pattern community, and whether dependency injection is a design pattern.

    Erich Gamma Discusses Jazz, Eclipse, JUnit and Design Patterns
  • Linda Rising on "Fearless Change" Patterns

    In this interview made by Floyd Marinescu, co-founder of InfoQ, Linda Rising talks about the book "Fearless Change: Patterns for Introducing New Ideas" and offers examples of how the patterns presented in the book can ease the stress of Agile adoption.

    Linda Rising on "Fearless Change" Patterns
  • Randy Shoup Discusses the eBay Architecture

    In this interview from QCon San Francisco 2007, Randy Shoup discusses the architecture of eBay. Topics discussed include eBay's architectural principles, horizontal and vertical partitioning, ACID vs. BASE, handling data inconsistency, distributed caching, updating eBay on the fly, architectural and coding standards, eBay's search infrastructure, grid computing, and SOA.

    Randy Shoup Discusses the eBay Architecture
  • Markus Voelter about Software Architecture Documentation

    During OOPSLA 2007, InfoQ interviewed Markus Voelter asking him about creating software architecture documentation. Many people mention UML when they are asked about software design documentation, but Markus has a different take on that. He thinks that we should be using models which can be processed with tools which can validate or invalidate them.

    Markus Voelter about Software Architecture Documentation
  • Cédric Beust discusses Designing for Testability

    In this interview from QCon San Francisco 2007, Cédric Beust discusses designing and architecting for testability, problems that hinder testability, test-driven development, the "Next Generation Testing" book, performance testing recipes, and testing small, medium and large codebases.

    Cédric Beust discusses Designing for Testability
  • Michael Stal on Architecture Refactoring

    In this interview from OOPSLA 2007, Michael Stal talks about architecture refactoring. He describes what architecture refactoring is, its relationship to code refactoring and patterns, and he gives real world examples of how architecture refactorings have been done and when not to do it.

    Michael Stal on Architecture Refactoring
  • Coplien and Martin Debate TDD, CDD and Professionalism

    Debate sprang up at JAOO '07 around Bob Martin's assertion that "nowadays it is irresponsible for a developer to ship a line of code he has not executed in a unit test." In this InfoQ video, he debated with Jim Coplien on this and other topics, including Design by Contract vs. TDD and how much up-front architecture is needed to keep a system consistent with the business domain model.

    Coplien and Martin Debate TDD, CDD and Professionalism
  • Mark Pollack on Spring and Spring.NET

    Mark Pollack, founder of Spring.NET, talks about shares ideas between the Java and .NET communities and the history of Spring.NET. Topics include how to use dependency injection and AOP for more than just logging and where Spring.NET overlaps with WCF.

    Mark Pollack on Spring and Spring.NET
  • Kent Beck on Implementation Patterns

    Kent Beck is interviewed at OOPSLA 2007 about his new book, "Implementation patterns", the relationship between these patterns and XP, problems when adopting agile and the current status of design patterns.

    Kent Beck on Implementation Patterns