InfoQ Homepage Patterns Content on InfoQ
Immutable Object vs. Unsynchronized State
Joshua Bennett discusses immutable objects, what they are good for, when they are recommended to be used and when are to be avoided.
Parallel Programming Patterns: Data Parallelism
Ralph Johnson presents several data parallelism patterns, including related libraries from Intel and Microsoft, comparing it with other forms of parallel programming such as actor programming.
RESTful SOA or Domain-Driven Design - A Compromise?
Vaughn Vernon advocates using DDD’s strategic modeling patterns when integrating services in a RESTful SOA implementation, avoiding one of SOA’s pitfalls: focusing on services rather than the domain.
Patterns for the People
Kevlin Henney proposes a new look at design patterns from the perspective of the habitability of code, communication, exploration, empiricism, reasoning, incremental development, and design sharing.
Functional Design Patterns
Aino Vonge Corry reviews a number of well known design patterns showing that their implementation is simpler in functional languages because such languages have pattern-based constructs.
Enterprise Mashups: Why Do I Care?
Ross Mason discusses how to use enterprise mashups by applying a number of patterns, such as FeedFactory, Super Search, and Pipeline, in order to find new ways to benefit from existing enterprise data
Command-Query Responsibility Segregation
Udi Dahan discusses the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern, detailing on queries and commands, what they are and how they should be used in an asynchronous programming environment
Making the Business Case
We know solving DevOps problems improves your business operations but how do you do you explain that to your CEO or CFO? How do you get the executives to buy in and invest in DevOps solutions?
Demystifying Monads
Josh Graham explains what monads are, how and why they are used, including several concrete examples of monads like Identity, Maybe, List, and Continuation.
Feature Bits: Enabling Flow Within and Across Teams
Erik Sowa and Rob Loh present the Feature Bits technique used by Lyris, detailing the business context, the solution design, the data model, and coding patterns, plus lessons learned using it.
Understanding SOA Security Patterns
Jason Hogg discusses web services security obtained through threat modeling based on security design patterns, and explaining a number of such patterns related to processes, services and SOA security.
REST-Inspired SOA Design Patterns (and Anti-Patterns)
Cesare Pautasso presents a design methodology for RESTful services based on several patterns: Uniform Contract, Entity Endpoint, Content Negotiation, Endpoint Redirection, Idempotent Capability.