InfoQ Homepage Presentations
FF4J: Feature Toggling for Spring/Spring Boot Applications
Sasi Peri shows feature toggling using FF4J framework for Spring/Spring Boot applications.
Spring Cloud on Kubernetes
Ryan Baxter, Alexandre Roman explain how to build Spring Cloud applications and deploy them to Kubernetes.
Scaling Beyond a Billion Transactions Per Day with Sub-second Responses
Andrey Zolotov, Gideon Low present their journey of transition to distributed data processing using GemFire and the challenges faced along the way.
Concurrency, Scalability and Transactions -- Myths and Surprises
Renan Ranelli explores the interaction between massive concurrent servers, databases and transaction isolation.
Parsing JSON Really Quickly: Lessons Learned
Daniel Lemire talks about the lessons learned while writing the fast JSON parser, simdjson. One of the most important lessons is the importance of a nearly obsessive focus on performance.
Coding Without Complexity
Ellen Chisa talks about complexity in software and the need to remove it as much as possible. One possibility is to remove something that is not absolutely needed as a way to reduce complexity.
Evolution of Edge @Netflix
Vasily Vlasov reviews Netflix’s edge gateway ecosystem - multiple traffic gateways performing different functions deployed around the world.
User & Device Identity for Microservices @ Netflix Scale
Satyajit Thadeshwar provides useful insights on how Netflix implemented a secure, token-agnostic, identity solution that works with services operating at a massive scale.
Scaling Patterns for Netflix's Edge
Justin Ryan talks about Netflix’ scalability issues and some of the ways they addressed it.
KIT-BASHING THE BLORB - What Happens When All the Dead Come Back and They're Still Really Fun
Jason Scott discusses the status and the future of the Internet Archive.
Embracing Chaos!
Paul Osman and Ana Medina discuss onboarding teams onto a Chaos Engineering platform, identifying teams that are ready to do GameDays and creating feedback loops to measure resilience.
Measure (and Learn) What Matters
Pete Young shares how, in two years, a single metric focus resulted in a 7% increase in first time delivery, and usage of services to drive this outcome increased over 400-700%.