InfoQ Homepage Presentations
How to Live in a Post–Spring Cloud Netflix World
Marcin Grzejszczak and Olga Maciaszek-Sharma discuss how Netflix has frozen certain projects running on Spring Cloud and moved to new ones.
Using Metrics to Ensure Quality Applications in Pivotal Platform
Tom Martin and Sam Reed show how to set up automatic service discovery with Eureka, some auto scaling problems of microservices, and how to configure Prometheus and Grafana to gather and show metrics.
Monoliths, Microservices, Events, Functions: What It Takes to Go through the Transformation
Dilleswara Anupoju discusses lessons learned building apps in a distributed environment.
Building Reactive Pipelines: How to Go from Scalable Apps to (Ridiculously) Scalable Systems
Mark Heckler discusses and demoes reactive and highly scalable microservices built with Project Reactor using RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, and Spring Cloud Stream.
Make Your Electron App Feel at Home Everywhere
Kilian Valkhof discusses the process of making an Electron app feel at home on all three platforms: Windows, MacOS and Linux, making devs aware of the pitfalls and how to avoid them.
When Machine Learning Can't Replace the Human
Pamela Gay explores how creative software solutions let scientists explore the solar system.
Microcultures and Finding Your Place
Mike McGarr explores the essence of organizational culture and the microcultures that can exist within an organization that provide layers of influence in our lives and job satisfaction.
The Talk You've Been Await-ing for
Steve Klabnik goes over the deep details of how async/await works in Rust, covering concepts like coroutines, generators, stack-less vs stack-ful, "pinning", and more.
Securing Software from the Supply Side
Nickolas Means talks about the tools that GitHub provides for Open Source maintainers to improve the safety and security of the software supply chain at the source.
The Evolution of the Agile Coach
Erin McManus and Fiona Siseman discuss Agile coaching at Spotify, its evolution, struggles and pitfalls, and how coaches are set up for present and future success.
The Future of High Speed Transportation
Anita Sengupta discusses how space-age tech is revolutionizing green transportation from suborbital rocket flights, to electric airplanes, to space travel on the ground with the hyperloop.
Me, My Code and I
Rosanne Joosten explores what research is conducted on the relation between personality traits and programming semantics.