InfoQ Homepage Presentations
Rethinking Blockchain Contract Development
Manuel Chakravarty discusses how IOHK’s Plutus combines programming language theory, functional programming in Haskell, and theorem-proving in Agda to develop a new approach to blockchain contracts.
Lessons from Leading a “You Build It, You Run It” Team
Roger Almeida presents his insights on how to evolve services and organize teams in new ways to break glass procedures, post-mortems and more.
Holacracy: Unleash Entrepreneurship in Your Team
Brian Robertson discusses how to scale the entrepreneurial spirit and culture beyond start-up size with Holacracy, a set of self-management practices.
Untangling the Mysteries of Qubits
Roy van Rijn explains how larger quantum algorithms work by explaining the quantum benefits in Shor's Prime Factoring algorithm.
Diversity, Chocolate and Safe Cracking
John Le Drew discusses what diversity is, why it is needed and how to achieve it.
The Future of Chaos Engineering: in Pursuit of the Unknown Unknowns
Crystal Hirschorn discusses where their chaos and resilience practices must evolve to keep pace with the challenges of growing complexity.
Remote Working in an Agile World
Raji Bhamidipati discusses what it takes to work remotely: keeping the communication channel open but avoiding noise, how to overcome emotional impact, setting up working environment at home, etc..
NUDGE – Role of Economics in Architecture and Design
Raghavendra Mithare explores the role behavioral economics has on individual choice, and the impact it has on system Architecture and Design.
The Complexity Toolkit: Techniques for Navigating Uncertainty
Marcus Williams and Simon Lawrence use Cynefin as a lens to discuss how techniques including Hypothesis-Driven Development and The Mikado Method can help teams navigate the domain of complexity.
Chaos Engineering for People Systems
Dave Rensin shares his experiences building stronger systems, teams, and companies at Google over the last five years.
Coding the Future Coders
Angie Jones shares ways to give the joy of coding to others; techniques on how to expose kids to complex topics such as ML, mobile dev, game design, and web animation with hands-on exercises.
How I Tried Holacracy and Lived to Tell the Tale
Sandy Mamoli shares from her successes and failures in her team’s quest to create a self-organizing organization, what worked and what didn’t.