InfoQ Homepage Presentations
How Can Artificial Intelligence Use Big Data for Translating Documents?
John Ortega shows how documents, known as corpora, filled with information from various sources can be used to provide artificial intelligence to a translation system.
Sorbet: Why and How We Built a Typechecker for Ruby
Dmitry Petrashko talks about Sorbet, a fast, powerful type checker designed for Ruby. At Stripe, they used Sorbet to drive code quality via measurable, concrete indicators.
Continuous Monitoring with JDK Flight Recorder (JFR)
Mikael Vidstedt gives an overview of JDK Flight Recorder (JFR), showcases the current feature, as well as some features coming in the future.
MakeCode: Types, Games and Machine Code
Michal Moskal talks about the MakeCode platform, an open source platform and accompanying web app for building educational programming for small, cheap embedded devices.
High Resolution Performance Telemetry at Scale
Brian Martin explores the issues of resolution in performance monitoring, covers sources of performance telemetry, and talks about some tricks for getting high resolution telemetry without high costs.
Data Mesh Paradigm Shift in Data Platform Architecture
Zhamak Dehghani introduces Data Mesh, the next generation data platform, that shifts to a paradigm drawing from modern distributed architecture.
Reactive Relational Database Connectivity with Spring
Mark Paluch explains R2DBC, how the API works, and the benefits for application developers who aim for functional reactive access with Spring Data R2DBC.
Platforms Demystified: Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, Eirini, and Knative
Nic Williams and Matthias Haeussler compare and contrast several cloud platforms: Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, Project Eirini, and Knative.
How to Get Productive with Spring Boot
Madhura Bhave covers several Spring Boot features: dependency management, starters, devtools, autocompletion for configuration files, test slices, debugging options, and more.
What’s New in Spring Data?
Christoph Strobl discusses some of the latest enhancements to Spring Data.
Visualizing the Why — Strategy and Roadmaps in Context
Craig Cockburn discusses how Wardley maps ensure the visibility of change so that teams have context and can align more easily to a shared understanding of strategic intent and tactical moves.