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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Agile Teams, from Good to Great

Agile Teams, from Good to Great



David Bulkin introduces various agile practices to beginners interspersed with advice for advance practitioners.


David Bulkin is a strong leader, technologist and process engineer with over 20 years experience in applying Lean processes to manage portfolios, projects, people, process, and technology for competitive advantage. He has helped numerous teams apply agile project management and engineering methods as a practitioner and coach. He is a frequent speaker at user groups and blogs on the subject.

About the conference

VersionOne helped pioneer the agile management tool in 2002 – way before it was the cool thing to do in the software development market. Today we remain the only enterprise software company that has been 100% dedicated to agile life cycle management since day one. Our mission, Simplifying Software Delivery, is to simplify the process of software delivery via the industry’s most open, comprehensive agile life cycle management platform. From customer engagement to planning and tracking to source code integration, our goal is to help organizations scale their agile initiatives faster, easier, and smarter.

Recorded at:

Nov 22, 2012