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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Expressing Service Capabilities Uniformly

Expressing Service Capabilities Uniformly



Benjamin Carlyle discusses reaching SOA integration maturity using reusable and uniform contracts translated into REST service definitions by splitting capabilities into centralized methods, choosing proper media types and using service-specific resource identifiers.


Benjamin Carlyle works for a rails company bringing together REST architecture, systems architecture, systems integration, and a variety of other topics at an enterprise scale. He has inspired the Restlet framework for Java, and he coined the term “REST Triangle”. He has worked with Thomas Erl on documenting the convergence between SOA and REST.

About the conference

The International SOA Symposium is a yearly event that features the top SOA experts and authors from around the world, providing a series of keynotes, talks, demonstrations, panels, and SOA training and certification workshops - all with an emphasis on realizing SOA in the real world.

Recorded at:

May 14, 2010