InfoQ Homepage Presentations The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (Clojure & JRuby)
The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (Clojure & JRuby)
Allen Rohner discusses the benefits and the problems of mixing Clojure and JRuby running them in the same process, making some recommendations at the end.
Allen Rohner has used Clojure since 2008 (before there were official releases). He is author of Scriptjure, a Clojure to JavaScript compiler released two years before ClojureScript was released, and a committer to Clojure core, contrib, ring, compojure, congomongo, leiningen, and more. He is founder of two startups using Clojure in production, and
About the conference
Clojure/West is a new conference bringing the Clojure community together to discuss techniques, tools, and the state of the Clojure ecosystem March 16-17th for three tracks of sessions. Prior to the conference, register for three days of training by the Clojure experts.