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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Implementing SOA through Linked Data

Implementing SOA through Linked Data



Thomas Bandholtz explains how Linked Data can be used to implement SOA in order to make datasets available throughout the enterprise, crosslink distributed datasets, and to master data management.


Thomas Bandholtz contributed to ISO Topic Map standardization at OASIS and is a member of the W3C eGovernment Interest Group. Thomas is an open source product manager of iQvoc, and acts as an SKOS-XL vocabulary management tool. Thomas is currently driving Linked Environment Data, publishing the Environment Specimen Bank of the Federal Environment Agency, Germany, in SCOVO.

About the conference

The International SOA Symposium is a yearly event that features the top SOA experts and authors from around the world, providing a series of keynotes, talks, demonstrations, panels, and SOA training and certification workshops - all with an emphasis on realizing SOA in the real world.

Recorded at:

Apr 07, 2011