InfoQ Homepage Presentations JavaScript Functions: The Good Parts - Idioms for Encapsulation and Inheritance
JavaScript Functions: The Good Parts - Idioms for Encapsulation and Inheritance
Scott Bale explains how functions help to make use of encapsulation and inheritance in order to create modular applications in JavaScript employing modules, closures, and prototypes.
Scott Bale is a software developer with BJC HealthCare who is interested in languages and the web as a platform.
About the conference
Strange Loop is a developer-run software conference. Innovation, creativity, and the future happen in the magical nexus "between" established areas. Strange Loop eagerly promotes a mix of languages and technologies in this nexus, bringing together the worlds of bleeding edge technology, enterprise systems, and academic research. Of particular interest are new directions in data storage, alternative languages, concurrent and distributed systems, front-end web, semantic web, and mobile apps.