InfoQ Homepage Presentations The Lean Mindset: The Far Side of Paradox
The Lean Mindset: The Far Side of Paradox
Mary Poppendieck examines research and case studies to help understand what a lean mindset is and how it can help a company compete in today's fast moving marketplace.
Mary Poppendieck started her career as a process control programmer, moved on to manage the IT department of a manufacturing plant, and then ended up in product development, where she was both a product champion and department manager.
About the conference
Agile Australia is the national Australian conference on Agile, attracting over 850 delegates in 2013. In its fifth year, the conference was themed Accelerate Innovation and featured thought leaders on innovation and business, including Dave Snowden, Bjarte Bogsnes and Ryan Martens. Agile Australia 2013 was sponsored by Rally, ThoughtWorks, IBM, Telstra, and Atlassian and is managed by SlatteryIT.