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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Location Aware Mobile Web App with HTML5 and JavaScript

Location Aware Mobile Web App with HTML5 and JavaScript



Andrea Giammarchi discusses the challenges and limitations writing a cross-platform maps application and the solution used by Nokia to solve the problem.


Andrea Giammarchi is a software architect/engineer in the Mobile HTML5 Maps team of Nokia, Berlin, Germany and an active contributor to the ECMAScript-Discuss mailing list, active blogger through the well known, and active twitter user via @WebReflection account.

About the conference

Software is changing the world; QCon aims to empower software development by facilitating the spread of knowledge and innovation in the enterprise software development community; to achieve this, QCon is organized as a practitioner-driven conference designed for people influencing innovation in their teams: team leads, architects, project managers, engineering directors.

Recorded at:

May 07, 2012