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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Polyfilling The HTML5 Gaps With JavaScript

Polyfilling The HTML5 Gaps With JavaScript



Addy Osmani introduces polyfills, JavaScript shims that can be used to simulate HTML5 functionality in older browsers such as IE 6-8. He explains how to write new polyfills.


Addy Osmani is a JavaScript developer for AOL who prolifically speaks and writes about the language on a weekly basis. His material covers everything from building large-scale applications to using polyfills to bring the web's latest hotness to older browsers. He's a member of the jQuery Core bug triage and docs teams and has also contributed to the open-source library, Modernizr.

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Software is changing the world; QCon aims to empower software development by facilitating the spread of knowledge and innovation in the enterprise software development community; to achieve this, QCon is organized as a practitioner-driven conference designed for people influencing innovation in their teams: team leads, architects, project managers, engineering directors.

Recorded at:

Jul 24, 2012