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InfoQ Homepage Presentations SpringOne Technical Keynote 2

SpringOne Technical Keynote 2



Day 2 technical keynote from SpringOne 2GX 2014. Topics include Spring Framework 4.1. Spring XD,Spring Cloud Components, and Reactor.


Juergen Hoeller is Principal Engineer at SpringSource, Co-founder and project lead of the Spring Framework open source project. Dr David Syer is a founder and contributor to Spring Batch, lead of Spring Security OAuth. Mark Fisher is Spring XD co-lead and Spring Integration founder. Jon Brisbin is Senior Software Engineer at Pivotal.

About the conference

Pivotal and No Fluff Just Stuff bring you SpringOne 2GX 2014, a one-of-a-kind conference for application developers, solution architects, web operations and IT teams who develop business applications, create multi-device aware web applications, design cloud architectures, and manage high performance infrastructure. The sessions are specifically tailored for developers using the hugely popular open source Spring IO projects, Groovy & Grails, Cloud Foundry, Hadoop and Tomcat technologies. Whether you're building and running mission-critical business applications, designing the next killer cloud or big data application, SpringOne 2GX will keep you up to date with the latest enterprise open source technology.

Recorded at:

Nov 02, 2014