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InfoQ Homepage Presentations The State of JavaScript

The State of JavaScript



Brendan Eich reviews the history of JavaScript, then introduces and demonstrates some of the new features coming in ES6.


Brendan Eich is CTO of Mozilla. In 1995, Eich invented JavaScript (ECMAScript), the Internet’s most widely used programming language. He also co-founded the project in 1998, serving as chief architect. Eich helped launch the award winning Firefox Web browser in November 2004 and Thunderbird e-mail client in December 2004.

About the conference

Strange Loop is a multi-disciplinary conference that aims to bring together the developers and thinkers building tomorrow's technology in fields such as emerging languages, alternative databases, concurrency, distributed systems, mobile development, and the web. Strange Loop was created in 2009 by software developer Alex Miller and is now run by a team of St. Louis-based friends and developers under Strange Loop LLC, a for-profit but not particularly profitable venture.

Recorded at:

Oct 19, 2012