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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Wrap Your SQL Head Around Riak MapReduce

Wrap Your SQL Head Around Riak MapReduce



Sean Cribbs explains what Map-Reduce and Riak are, why and how to use Map-Reduce with Riak, and how to convert SQL queries into their Map-Reduce equivalents.


Sean Cribbs joined Basho Technologies in March 2010, where he supports, evangelizes, and hacks on Riak, Basho’s distributed datastore. Prior to Basho, Sean spent three years as a freelance web developer, in the course of which he worked on numerous startups and open-source projects, including the popular Radiant content management system which is built with Ruby on Rails.

About the conference

Strange Loop is a multi-disciplinary conference that aims to bring together the developers and thinkers building tomorrow's technology in fields such as emerging languages, alternative databases, concurrency, distributed systems, mobile development, and the web.

Recorded at:

Feb 03, 2012