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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Seven Steps to Design, Build, and Scale an AI Product

Seven Steps to Design, Build, and Scale an AI Product



Allie Miller explores the fundamental use cases in AI and how designers and engineers can be at the forefront of prioritizing AI/ML best practices.


Allie Miller is a product manager at IBM Watson and has worked in three of the most critical areas of AI. She works with Fortune 500 clients, developers, and designers to produce IBM's computer vision technology and AI data strategy. Miller has consulted in AI for the nation’s top VC firms, addressed the European Commission, and has spoken at technology companies and conferences across the world.

About the conference

Agile India is Asia's Largest & Premier International Conference on Leading Edge Software Development Methods. Agile India is organized by Agile Software Community of India, a non-profit registered society founded in 2004 with a vision to evangelize new, better ways of building products that delights the users. Over the last 15 years, we've organized 58 conferences across 13 cities in India. We've hosted 1,100+ speakers from 38 countries, who have delivered 1,350+ sessions to 11,500+ attendees. We continue to be a non-profit, volunteer-run community conference.

Recorded at:

Sep 04, 2019