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InfoQ Homepage Presentations API Virtualization – Mocking on Steroids

API Virtualization – Mocking on Steroids



Ole Lensmar takes a look at a number of common API virtualization use cases - design-first development, sandboxing and load testing - to see how and when virtual APIs can help and when they can’t.


Ole Lensmar is an API Evangelist that has been doing APIs since the late 90s, starting with POX, then SOAP, now REST, and looking forward to the wave of IoT related lightweight protocols. Originally created SoapUI in 2005 and joined forces with SmartBear Software in 2011 where he’s currently CTO, focusing on all-things API for SmartBears products and visions.

About the conference

Liberate then Innovate.Enabling Digital Business, Mobile, the Internet of Things and the Composable Enterprise.

Recorded at:

Sep 20, 2015